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Showing posts from June, 2023

Are You Resting in Jesus, or Somewhere Else?

Are You Resting in Jesus, or Somewhere Else? Using the story of the rich young ruler... Using the story of the rich young ruler, Pastor Ray asks the question where are you resting?  In our culture, there are so many things we can rest in, such as entertainment, our accomplishment, families, work, etc. We must enter into Jesus and He will become our rest, listen to this powerful message and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal where your heart is.

Do Not Force God to Leave You!

Do Not Force God to Leave You! God's warning in Genesis 6 was that "My... God's warning in Genesis 6 was that "My spirit shall not always strive with man." If you have not renounced and forsaken all the manifestations of the flesh, you are grieving the Spirit of God. Y ou must go all the way through the crucifixion with Jesus and come through into the fulness and fruit of the Holy Spirit .  Do not by your impenitence or simply your ignorance, force God to leave you!

The Lord's Anger Burns Against Us

The Lord's Anger Burns Against Us Are y... Are you believing the lie that your ticket is punched and you're on your way to heaven, even though the fruit in your life would suggest that this is not true? Pastor Ray walks through the story of Balaam and how and why the Lord is angry with them and with us. Do you see the desperate place we're in? Will you seek Jesus with all of your heart? Do you understand that God is angry with America?

Have You Found Your Place With God?

Have You Found Your Place With God? There... There's nothing more important than finding our place with God and without that, we'll simply meander around trying to find our way. Listen to Pastor Ray lay out the familiar story of Jacob and Esau. Are you a Jacob or are you an Esau? What is the key to finding your place with Jesus?? This post may be oversimplified but the critical point needs to be understood and applied.

The Destruction Of The WomAn On The Beast

The Destruction Of The WomAn On The Beast Pastor Ray begins todays broadcast with... Pastor Ray begins todays broadcast with a focus upon the woman in Revelation 17, who was reading upon the beast. The scriptures say that the beast and the 10 horns will turn on this woman and seek destruction of this prostitute. Pastor Ray tells who he believes this prostitute is and why she must die. It's another powerful and sobering message, we pray that you prayerfully listen to this message and allow the Holy Spirit to fully and faithfully deal with any sin in your heart.

Running Out Of Grace

Running Out Of Grace There are several terms, which may be unfamiliar to some of you. They're included in the tags of today's message. Do you see that we're running out of grace in this age? Note that we're not the center, as commonly taught in the modern apostate church. The scriptures are consistently clear that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. If that's not clear, read the scriptural references that Pastor Ray lays out. He wants victory over sin for you dear one, it cost Jesus everything for your sin and mine.

I Come To You In Fear And Trembling

I Come To You In Fear And Trembling Our w... Our words have meaning (and power) but only if they are connected to our actions. Today's cautionary tale is in the scriptures (Matthew 21) and from Frank Bartleman's book entitled " How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles " (see brief excerpt below). Words have meaning and God will bring judgment upon us if we walk in pride, lying or deceit. May we humble our hearts before Jesus in fear and trembling. Don't walk in self-deceit... “ God is not trying to build up something else, or to do something for men that will make them great and mighty, but rather to bring all men to naught, and do the work through the power of the Holy Ghost . The call of God to His people now is to humble themselves; to recognize their weakness and lack of power, to get down before Him, and wait till His power is restored. The great question is, will men see the plan of God, a...

The Voice of God in the Storm!

The Voice of God in the Storm! Do yo... Do you see the incredible storm that we're now in the midst of? Our way out is an all-out surrender and submission to Jesus. Jesus is the only one who can bring us through to the other side. Have you fully put your life into His mighty hands?

Through the Red Sea Into the Desert

Through the Red Sea Into the Desert What are the absolute essentials for a ... What are the absolute essentials for a healthy, growing relationship with Jesus? First, you need adequate doctrine to understand your need for salvation. Second, you must set the heart in the right direction--to follow Jesus. And third, you must renounce your sins. You come to a place where you say, "I'm through with sin. God, teach me your ways!" Next, the Holy Spirit will lead you into the desert. Scripture pictures this with Moses and the children of Israel crossing the Red Sea, then entering the wilderness. This time of testing exposes what's truly in your heart. Do you still long for Egypt? In our case as Americans, do you still long for entertainment, a prosperous lifestyle, and life on easy street? Or did you really commit to do and suffer all the will of God? So what's really at stake here? Heaven and hell! As the Bible says, "With most of them God was not p...


THE FULLNESS OF THE BEATITUDES – 2017 REBROADCAST Today's broadcast was a rebroadcast of ... Today's broadcast was a rebroadcast of a message originally preached in 2017. We're trying to avoid double-posting but including these messages on YouTube, so I'm linking back to the latest message. The only comment I would make is that this is an amalgam of thoughts from Pastor Ray, mixed in with the words of G.D. Watson. This is really the whole loaf, as Pastor Ray has methodically gone through the Beatitudes this week.

There Are No Part-Time Christians

There Are No Part-Time Christians Jesus... Jesus is calling you to drink his blood and eat his flesh, as he wishes to become your sustenance. He wants to become the source for all things in our lives. Will you allow him to make this a reality in your life?

This Is The Game Changer

This Is The Game Changer Today's straight message lays out the whole underbelly of the Beatitudes that is rarely preached on and even put into practice on a much lesser scale. Have you given everything into the hand of Jesus, who now holds and directs your entire life? You may not grab hold of this the first time through, so you may need to listen again.

Hungry for Jesus?

Hungry for Jesus? Your ... Your trials will increase as you go deeper with Jesus. But, those who are truly hungry for Jesus will endure the tests of suffering, knowing that they purify the soul and prepare the child of God to enter heaven. The saint who thus meekly trusts Christ is an honor to Jesus. Is this work of grace evident in your soul? Have you renounced sin because you hate it? Has your former love for sin been replaced with a burning desire for souls to be pulled out of the fire? And would those who hear what you say and watch what you do agree with that assessment?

Do You Have The Courage To Face Your Heart

Do You Have The Courage To Face Your Heart Our series on the Beatitudes continues today, with the focus on the third Beatitude. Pastor Ray goes back to the story of King David and his wayward son, Absalom, to illustrate this meekness that Jesus requires of us and wants to do in us. It's not something we can attain, but it is something that Jesus wants to give to us. Are you willing to enter the covenant that David did in 2 Samuel Chapter 15? This story clearly demonstrates the meekness that God had worked in King David's heart. Have you allowed Jesus, or will you allow Him to do this same work in your heart or are you a wolf man perhaps hiding in sheep's clothing?

Unearth The Seed Of Destruction

Unearth The Seed Of Destruction This ... This miniseries on the life of Gideon concludes with a message on pride and its utter destructiveness. Have you allowed the Holy Spirit to unearth the seed of destruction in your life? (Note: The series on Gideon includes all of the broadcasts from this week.)

The Shame of Being Found Out

The Shame of Being Found Out Our series in the Beatitudes continues today, as Pastor Ray looks at the second beatitude (or be-happy attitude, see below). He uses the story of the Apostle Peter and another unrelated story of a dear brother to beautifully illustrate this Beatitude. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew Chapter 5:4 Is there great shame in your heart because Jesus has uncovered the darkness in your heart, maybe something you were totally unaware of as was the case with Peter? Do you love Jesus more than these whatever that may be for you?? Is your faith in Jesus to carry you through the sifting that you're going through?

Small Enough For God To Work

Small Enough For God To Work Pasto... Pastor Ray recounts a familiar story from the book Remarkable Miracles by G.C. Bevington (it's also known by other names). In this powerful story, Brother Bevington, recounts through personal testimony getting small enough for God to intervene on his behalf and the dear ones he prayed for. Are you small enough for God to answer the cries of your heart? Where is your heart with Jesus?

Born Again On The Open Road

Born Again On The Open Road Pastor Ray begins to walk us down the road to salvation outlined in the Beatitudes, after spending some time looking at the life of Nicodemus and Jesus call to be born from above. The first thing we must get a hold of in our souls is the necessity of being poor in spirit. It's almost un-American because we think we can do all things, which is patently untrue. Let the Holy Spirit draw you closer as you confess your inability to convert yourself to make the changes that God wants to make in your heart. We need Jesus, without Him we can do nothing. This series on the Beatitudes will continue this week. I'm including a verse from a hymn that Pastor Ray alluded to on the broadcast today. Just as I am, without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me, and that thou bidd'st me come to thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come. Charlotte Elliott - Just a...

A Non-Homogenized Gospel! (May 1, 2012)

A Non-Homogenized Gospel! (May 1, 2012) Today... Today's title tells it all. Pastor Ray presents a clear, straight presentation of the Gospel that is not homogenized with the wickedness of our culture or the age in which we live. Listen to the good news and make a decision to follow Jesus today!

The Joy Of The Lord Is Stolen By Backsliding

The Joy Of The Lord Is Stolen By Backsliding Find ... Find out today how the joy of the Lord can be stolen from us! Be encouraged today to put your full trust in Jesus and not in yourself! If you've backslidden, than repent and get back to Jesus! “Now that I have shown you the reasons for their backsliding, you show me the manner in which they do it ,” Hopeful challenged. “I will,” Christian agreed. “I will,” Christian agreed. “ First of all, the backsliders resist all thoughts of God, death, and the judgment to come . Thus, to continue this resistance, they begin by degrees to cast off private duties such as closet prayer, curbing their lusts, watching their souls, grieving over their sin, and the like. They also begin to shun the company of lively and warm Christians. “After this mostly private resistance, they then grow cold to their public duties such as hearing God’s Word preached, reading the Bible, and ...

Be On Your Guard... - 2004

Be On Your Guard... - 2004 We apologize for the delay in posting t... We apologize for the delay in posting this critical message. Prayerfully listen to it and allow the Holy Spirit to unveil it in your heart. The title is in the imperative, meaning that it's a command. May you be blessed as you listen.

School of the Brokenhearted - 2013

School of the Brokenhearted - 2013 Have you enrolled in the school of the ... Have you enrolled in the school of the brokenhearted? If you are to be used by God, we must go through this school of the brokenhearted. It's designed by God specifically for every heart willing to say yes to Jesus. Don't be a King Saul or one of the others mentioned in the message who looked for a shortcut. Beloved, there's no shortcut but for those, which lead to destruction. Let Jesus reveal your inner heart and totally transform you by the blood of Jesus. Listen to Pastor Ray lay out the path we must follow, as King David did. Make a decision to be broken, not embittered, and trust Jesus to take you through this school. Note the contrast between King David and King Saul.

Now Is the Time to Pray

Now Is the Time to Pray We're... We're in a desperate place in the church and in the nation, we ask that you join us to cry out for the deliverance of America from wickedness on every side. Will you join us in crying out? Thank you to those who called in today.

The Crushing Weight Of Sin

The Crushing Weight Of Sin Do you know of the crushing weight of sin? Not in some intellectual way, not the sin of another, but your sin? Pastor Ray lays this out for us today, are you willing to cut it off, even it seems good? Remember that it is the tree of knowledge of good and evil that is sinful. Are you willing to only eat from the tree of life? "All sin flows out of lust." Pastor Ray During both yesterday and today The dying out process need not be lengthy or complex, but we must identify if/where/when we've been sinning, repent and cut it off. Where is your heart today in the light of God's word? Do have a heart like Daniel? "Dying to self, means I cut it (i.e. sin) off." Pastor Ray

Come Out of Her My People

Come Out of Her My People Today's powerful message melded several... Today's powerful message melded several different Biblical passages together with one consistent theme. We must come out of the anti-Christ Babylonian system and stand by faith that Jesus will come in revival power to rescue us from the wickedness of this age. You should listen to the broadcast to grab ahold of the message in its entirety. (This message is available on YouTube but I wasn't able to embed it for some reason.)

Create In Me A Pure Heart, O God

Create In Me A Pure Heart, O God After a brief summary of the message yesterday, Pastor Ray focuses most of the broadcast on the second half of Psalm 51. Do you desire a clean heart, and are you willing to meet the conditions for it? If you can say yes, this message is for you.

The Gates of Righteousness!

The Gates of Righteousness! Repen... Repentance and righteousness are not God's end for the Christian. Instead, they are stepping stones to intimacy and fellowship with Jesus. This intimacy comes at a high price: suffering, discipline, and consciously and deliberately giving up control of your life to Jesus. He will deal with the monsters in your life if you simply trust Him and not turn away.  Have you given everything into the hand of Jesus or do you believe that you somehow can defeat these monsters in your life that come to ravage you?

The Path Into The Heart Of Jesus

The Path Into The Heart Of Jesus Pastor Ray, using the familiar passage of Psalm 51, identifies the hidden American sin through waywardness, iniquity and numbness. We must ask the Holy Spirit to identify these things in our hearts, lest we inadvertently end up in hell. The path to the heart of Jesus always begins with repentance. Are you willing to ask the Holy Spirit to uncover your heart from His perspective? Waywardness - the  quality  of being wayward (= doing only what you want, in a way that is  difficult to control): Cambridge Dictionary All iniquity, all waywardness and all numbness must be uncovered, repented of and forsaken to allow God to moan over us. Don't be deterred but press in now, we need Jesus, lest we perish...Will you wake up now dear one? Iniquity (from the Old Testament) - A go to sin (i.e. a besetting sin, Brother Ed's addition) Pastor Ray during t...

The Path Into The Heart Of Jesus

The Path Into The Heart Of Jesus Pastor Ray, using the familiar passage of Psalm 51, identifies the hidden American sin through waywardness, iniquity and numbness. We must ask the Holy Spirit to identify these things in our hearts, lest we inadvertently end up in hell. The path to the heart of Jesus always begins with repentance. Are you willing to ask the Holy Spirit to uncover your heart from His perspective? Waywardness - the  quality  of being wayward (= doing only what you want, in a way that is  difficult to control): Cambridge Dictionary All iniquity, all waywardness and all numbness must be uncovered, repented of and forsaken to allow God to moan over us. Don't be deterred but press in now, we need Jesus, lest we perish...Will you wake up now dear one? Iniquity (from the Old Testament) - A go to sin (i.e. a besetting sin, Brother Ed's addition) Pastor Ray during t...

When Repentance is Not Enough

When Repentance is Not Enough Today... Today's broadcast focuses upon the story of King Hezekiah and how the Lord dealt with His heart. God is intent upon having a people who have given up everything to follow Him and sometimes He unveils things we were unaware of. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart as you prayerfully consider today's message.

What Happens When You Live?

What Happens When You Live? Pasto... Pastor Ray asks what happens once you are crucified with Christ and live? The most precious gift we're given is what we allow Jesus to do in our hearts as we die daily and are crucified with Him. It will radically change your priorities and make you into a nobody, someone that God can use for His glory. What will you decide to do, that's really the question and that's evident by the choices we make day to day.

Planted in Jesus!

Planted in Jesus! Today's sermon is dedicated to a dear o... Today's sermon is dedicated to a dear one, who has by God's grace been planted in Jesus. I pray that this message is an encouragement to those planted in Jesus and will provide a confrontation to those planted in anything other than Jesus. May we all be fully planted in Him!

A Priest Forever (in the Order of Melchizedek)

A Priest Forever (in the Order of Melchizedek) Pastor Ray lays out the new covenant an... Pastor Ray lays out the new covenant and the role of Jesus as our High Priest, as well as His dual role as the King of Kings. Make a decision in your heart today that you allow Jesus to function in both roles. "Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them." Hebrews 7:25  Let the King of Kings rule and reign over your heart and your life through every circumstance and you will be amazed what He will begin to do in your life! He will give you peace and His righteousness, what a mighty God we serve.

Forgiveness and Repentance - 2019

Forgiveness and Repentance - 2019 Do you know what the three revelations ... Do you know what the three revelations are, which are necessary to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit? The primary passage of scripture that Pastor Ray lays out during this message was Luke Chapter 3, where John the Baptist identifies these three issues. If you want and need the power of the Holy Spirit released in your life, you need to listen closely to today's message. The intellectual information won't be helpful to you, unless you're willing to walk these out, regardless of any personal cost involved.

Everything Is Not About You

Everything Is Not About You In our child centric culture, many of us have grown up thinking that the world revolves around us, which is NOT true. The world revolves around Jesus. This message may be shocking to you if you've been coddled as we all have to some degree in this American culture.

Please Jesus, Don't Walk Away

Please Jesus, Don't Walk Away Is there any more frightening thought than Jesus walking away from our lives, leaving us to manage things as we see fit? The heart of Jesus is to draw our hearts close, but we can force Him away through our own bitterness and pain. 18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim liberty to the captives f and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed, 19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Luke 4:18-19 - Berean Study Bible Are you willing to cry out with a desperate need and trust Jesus to come? Jesus doesn't want to walk away, but He wants you to become single-minded about finding Him. Will you seek Him with all your heart?

Infirmities vs Sin Distinction

Infirmities vs Sin Distinction As we're praying through things, it's h... As we're praying through things, it's helpful to distinguish between infirmities and sin. The distinction is very important as infirmities are not sin. I've pulled this table below from a wonderful book entitled " The Fallacy of the "Sinning Christian " by a dear brother, Pastor and theologian Malcolm Lavender who has gone on to his reward. (I added some emphasis to the text not present in the book, i.e. underline and bold.) Infirmities are involuntary Sin is a choice involving rebellion Infirmities bring embarrassment and humiliation Sin Produces death, guilt, and condemnation Infirmities do not interrupt communion with God Sin breaks fellowship with God

Show Me The Real Power

Show Me The Real Power Pastor Ray lays out how Jesus manifests His power and contrasts that with the wickedness of worldly power, which is all about influence and control and domination. Please listen to this message if you need healing from Jesus. He wants to heal your soul inside and out, if you will only let Him and if you will give up control of your life to Him. You are the God who works wonders; You display Your strength among the peoples. Psalm 77:14 - Berean Study Bible

What Can God Do in You?

What Can God Do in You? We ad... We admire men and women who laid everything down for Jesus. For example, the apostle Peter dedicated his life to starting the church. He brought thousands of people to Jesus. Then, at the end of his life, he was arrested and crucified upside down. His wife died a martyr at the same time. So what can God do in you? Can he use you as a hero of the faith--just like Peter and his wife? That answer depends on you. How much are you willing to be used by God? Peter didn't come to that place of martyrdom overnight. He left his fishing business and spent years sleeping outside, running out of food. He let God humiliate him, destroy his self-esteem, and lay him in the dust. Likewise, the story of Saul exemplifies God's way of humbling a man, converting him, and baptizing him in the Holy Spirit. God wants to do the same in your life. He created you with a number of talents and int...

Reduce Me Jesus??

Reduce Me Jesus?? Is the great cry of your heart, reduce ... Is the great cry of your heart, reduce me, Jesus? Do you see the great need, and do you see the great carnage that will occur to those precious ones in your life if this doesn't happen in your life? This is much a greater need than healing is. May Jesus put this cry in your heart that He has put in Pastor Ray with a cry to Jesus bend me, oh bend me Jesus! We had some problems with the YouTube today and had to remove some of the first part of the broadcast where we tried to fix it.

The Days of Elijah (2009)

The Days of Elijah (2009) Just as Israel's sin led to drought dur... Just as Israel's sin led to drought during the days of Elijah, the American church's sin led us into our current drought. But instead of lacking rain, we lack the Holy Spirit in power and purity. So what is God's solution? God is calling for an Elijah company. This group of individuals will make no compromise with the world. Instead, they will cry out to God in secret prayer for the repentance of the church and nation. As you listen, ask yourself, "Will I be part of this revival, Elijah company?"

The Deadly Flame

The Deadly Flame Pastor Ray spent most of the broadcast going through James Chapter 3 verse by verse, which lays out this deadly flame in great detail. This chapter is a severe warning against misusing the tongue. Will you listen to his words of wisdom, empowered by the Holy Spirit? "A godly pastor is not looking for a submissive congregation. He's looking for a congregation who are utterly submissive to the word of God. "  Pastor Ray during today's broadcast He spends the last few minutes going through the second chapter of Colossians, as it connects with the teaching in James. Are you a godly man or woman of peace, or do you have other motivations that Pastor James identifies that you need to deal with?

The Glorious Message of Christmas

The Glorious Message of Christmas The carol, "Hark the Herald Angels Sing... The carol, "Hark the Herald Angels Sing," reminds of the glorious message of Christmas: "Born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth" Charles Wesley As we celebrate the birth of Christ, take this time to consider whether you've been born again. Do you deny yourself? Do you give everything you are, and everything you have, for God's kingdom? Or are you walking in sin? If you are walking in sin, then won't let you let this Christmas be the one when you truly repent and are born again?

Judgment For The Saints

Judgment For The Saints After... After a lengthy explanation of his hermeneutical understanding of the scriptures, Pastor Ray delves into Daniel 7. Pastor Ray does this with great kindness, not with an attitude saying I'm right. All of our opinions must be laid down and given to Jesus! Is your heart prepared for whatever is going to happen, whether there be a secret rapture as some say or a time of great tribulation for Christians as Pastor Ray said using Daniel and some other scriptures. The point is that we must be prepared, regardless of what is about to happen and stay humble and not rise up in arrogance. Is your heart tender and have you laid down all judgments?

Do Your Walk and Your Talk Match?

Do Your Walk and Your Talk Match? This is almost a companion to the 3-17 ... This is almost a companion to the 3-17 broadcast, despite it being an encore broadcast but the question of the Holy Spirit poses to each of us is quite clear, "Does Your Christian Walk and Talk Match?" or do I say one thing and do another. That's a critical question to ask in prayer. The heart of Jesus is to bring us to a place where what we say and what we do are totally congruent and that allows the Holy Spirit to give us great boldness to simply do what He asks us to do and to proclaim his word. Where is your heart today?

Walking with Jesus - 2012

Walking with Jesus - 2012 Pastor Ray takes us through the story of J... Pastor Ray takes through the story of Jesus at Gethsemane, and it's a road that every pilgrim must take, as Jesus brings us to our own crucifixion. First, Pastor Ray lays out a much more practical definition of theology, and it's much more than an intellectual understanding as noted by the quote below. " There is no theology of God, without an obedience to God. " Pastor Ray during this message Then we must recognize and deal with the gap dragon through reflection and allow the Holy Spirit to unveil the gap between what we say and what we actually do. Surely, there's no intimacy with Jesus without honest reflection. "The gap Dragon problem is that there is a distance between what most of us say we believe and what most of us do."  Pastor Ray during today's message The real meat of the message is in two simple questions. First, what crushes you and second, wha...

The Journey into Intimacy with Jesus

The Journey into Intimacy with Jesus In this sermon, we also include the wel... In this sermon, we also include the welcome from our beloved sister, Kathryn, one of the leaders of our congregation. We pray that your heart is captivated by Jesus on this journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City.   We pray this message on Elisha is a blessing to you!

His Name is Jesus

His Name is Jesus Today, Pastor Ray begins a study of Colossians, which will continue next week. In this precious book, we find out who Jesus is, and Pastor Ray lays out the first chapter today. The key part of the message is identifying how we alienate God. Are you willing to be at total peace with Him, regardless of what the cost may be? There are precious promises in this book if we'll fully give ourselves to Jesus.