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Showing posts with the label PRAYER

Don't Say It Pray It

Don't Say It Pray It It's ... It's Friday and time for another live prayer meeting! Join us as we cry out to the Lord!

You Must Call on the Name of the Lord (April 2017)

You Must Call on the Name of the Lord (April 2017) After Saul encountered Christ on the ro... After Saul encountered Christ on the road to Damascus, Ananias came to instruct him. He said, "You must call on the name of the Lord," to "baptize yourself" with the Holy Ghost (Acts 22:16, Lavender's New Testament). According to Acts 26:16, we simultaneously receive the Pentecost power of the Holy Spirit and entire sanctification. Thus, to "baptize ourselves" means to pray until we obtain the blessing. God will not answer us without this committed prayer in our hearts. Just as Ananias said to Saul, "Why are you delaying?" Jesus is saying the same to us. Will you come under this word of God?

Pray for Tears

Pray for Tears The Puritans would pray for tears in th... The Puritans would pray for tears in the eyes of sinners. These tears were evidence of genuine repentance. As we see throughout the New Testament, repentance is the foundation of the Christian faith. To try to be a good person, while skipping a complete repentance, is to miss salvation. To repent is to forever renounce all sin and obey Jesus in all things. This is inseparable from submitting yourself to Jesus as the ONLY authority in your life. In other words, Jesus owns you. You no longer steal yourself from him and pretend to own yourself. Do you lack joy and peace as a Christian? If so, it's likely because you're trying to obey God, but you never renounced all claim to your life and gave yourself to be owned by Jesus. The only way to overcome sin is by faith and submission to Christ. To deny the Creator, Ruler, and Judge of the universe his rightful ownership of your life is the greatest crime in the...

Our Father Who Art in Heaven

Our Father Who Art in Heaven Today... Today's broadcast was our regular Friday prayer meeting. May Jesus blessing rests on each of you who called in at the call of the Holy Spirit!

It Sounds Like Reign.Com

It Sounds Like Reign.Com Today... Today we had another opportunity to show your love to Jesus through sacrificial giving at the call of the Holy Spirit. Thank you to the dear one who gave today. We invite to the take a look at the website referenced in the title, located here: . May the presence of Jesus permeate your soul today!

Pray for Tears

Pray for Tears The Puritans would pray for tears in th... The Puritans would pray for tears in the eyes of sinners. These tears were evidence of genuine repentance. As we see throughout the New Testament, repentance is the foundation of the Christian faith. To try to be a good person, while skipping a complete repentance, is to miss salvation. To repent is to forever renounce all sin and obey Jesus in all things. This is inseparable from submitting yourself to Jesus as the ONLY authority in your life. In other words, Jesus owns you. You no longer steal yourself from him and pretend to own yourself. Do you lack joy and peace as a Christian? If so, it's likely because you're trying to obey God, but you never renounced all claim to your life and gave yourself to be owned by Jesus. The only way to overcome sin is by faith and submission to Christ. To deny the Creator, Ruler, and Judge of the universe his rightful ownership of your life is the greatest crime in the...

The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer youtubeembedcode pl Vimeo embed Pa... youtubeembedcode pl Vimeo embed Pastor Ray does a detailed review of the Lord's prayer and what it actually means to you and me. The detailed explanation of the words some of you may find surprising!

That I May Know Him, Please Pray

That I May Know Him, Please Pray Thank... Thank you to those who called in to pray during today's broadcast. Continue crying out to Jesus, we love you! God bless you!

Lord Teach Me to Pray

Lord Teach Me to Pray On to... On today's broadcast, Pastor Ray walked through the Lord's prayer and how we are we are to pray. Are you willing to pray this prayer? Lord, teach us to pray!

Prayer for Dummies

Prayer for Dummies Today... Today broadcast is a primer on the topic of prayer and is the first in a series. May the cry of your heart and mine be "Lord teach me to pray."

An Open Door Of Blessing

An Open Door Of Blessing Today... Today's message is to the Church of Philadelphia, one of two churches which had no rebuke given from Jesus. This church had no basis of pride but were simply servants of the most High. Is your life an open door of blessing through which Jesus can flow? Have you renounced all moaning and groaning and simply have put your trust in Jesus? Are you a part of the Philadelphia church, evidence by the holy life you live? "Sin always come out of some attitude of pride." Pastor Ray Greenley

Prayer Meeting

Prayer Meeting Thank... Thank you to those precious ones who called into today to pray. God bless you all!

Remarkable Miracles For Today

Remarkable Miracles For Today Pastor Ray takes us back to some stories from Brother Bevington, a holiness evangelist, to illustrate how we need to be in prayer. The story is in Chapter 6 of the book "Remarkable Miracles." Jesus wants to remove all doubt in prayer, so much foolishness and false belief about God and that is broken only through intense prayer. It's not about more information but allowing our heart to pursue what God's interests are. We must also forgive and walk in forgiveness if we expect that God will answer our cries. The multiplication of man’s machinery means the diminishing of God’s power proportionately. In many places so much of man’s ingenuity has been introduced into the workshop of God’s house, there isn’t enough power to run it. God will not hitch His power onto the bungling, weighty, clumsy machinery of man’s methods and wisdom. It is pray...

Pray In The Spirit

Pray In The Spirit Thank... Thank you to those who called into the live prayer meeting at the call of the Holy Spirit. God bless you all!

Specific Prayer

Specific Prayer Answe... Answers to prayer require a specific prayer. For example, when Jesus asked Bartimaeus what he wanted, the blind man answered, "Lord, that I may receive my sight." By contrast, Christians often pray vague things like, "Give me more of Jesus." Or, "Let me have a deeper work of grace." But what is "more"? What is "deeper"? Instead, they ought to pray specifically. For example, "Lord, give me a clean heart." Or, "Lord, save me! If you don't save me, I will sink into hell." God will surely answer such prayers. Listen as Pastor Ray shares "How to Obtain" from the book  Love Abounding by G.D. Watson, and practically explains how to pray and get answers.

Cry Out to God in Earnest!

Cry Out to God in Earnest! Pasto... Pastor Ray continues the study of the book of Exodus with the focus upon serving Jesus. The message will strongly encourage your heart if you desire to serve Jesus with your whole heart. May the Holy Spirit comfort your heart as you listen to the broadcast.

Miracle Offertory #3 - With More from Dr. Charles S. Price

Miracle Offertory #3 - With More from Dr. Charles S. Price As the website is being updated Wed... As the website is being updated Wednesday evening, we are still just over $200 short to cover April's radio bill with WAVA 780 AM. Our fear is that many of you are simply consumers, we pray that this is not the case or if it is that you would quickly repent and fully surrender to Jesus. If these broadcasts have been beneficial in your walk with Jesus, we urge you to give. God loves a cheerful giver, so let your giving come out of a burning love for our Lord Jesus Christ. He's the one who provides you with the resources you have, so why not invest yourself fully in the kingdom of God. Blessings to you dear one!

Jesus Prays

Jesus Prays On today's Pilgrim's Progress, Pastor Ray walks through John 17, first by reading it and then by going through the key verses. It opens the eyes to the heart of Jesus and the heart of the Father.


PRAY, PRAY, PRAY Thank... Thank you to those who called in to pray at the call of the Holy Spirit. I pray that the Lord God of heaven hear our cries, surely we're in a desperation place both in the church and in this nation. May Jesus bless you dear one!

Provoked to Pray - 2004

Provoked to Pray - 2004 God brings us to a place of great barre... God brings us to a place of great barrenness and brokenness, as He did in Hannah's heart so that He can produce what He desires. Will you let that broken, barren place drive you to the prayer closet, so that God can produce a heart for revival in this city, which is so desperately needed?