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Showing posts with the label MATTHEW13

The Crown Is Before You

The Crown Is Before You Our s... Our series on the Parable of the Sower continues today with the focus on the choking Christian. He also read a good part of the Chapter 7 ( On Trial for the Gospel ) from the book Pilgrim's Progress , which is about Vanity Fair. Have you decided to give everything up and into the control of Jesus and everything you have and your life is now focused upon His will? Or are you a foolish man or woman who has built your house on the sand? Will you put the words of Jesus into practice? What will you do with Jesus?

The Great Separation

The Great Separation We mu... We must make the choice to either be wheat or the tares. Which have you decided to be? Pastor Ray takes Brother Bevington's book to illustrate this. What will you do? Are you willing to do the work to become wheat or will end up as a tare? We all must come to an utter end to ourselves if Jesus is to come in power.

The Choking Christian

The Choking Christian Pasto... Pastor Ray continues preaching on the Parable of the Sower. It's important to note that you are responsible for the type of soil in your life. Are you walking in sin? Don't settle for a heart filled with stones or thorns that will choke the life of Jesus out of you. Allow the Holy Spirit to melt down your heart as you listen.