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Showing posts with the label ACTSCHAPTER5

Fig Leaves and Cheap Prayers

Fig Leaves and Cheap Prayers Pastor Ray lays out the issues up front, beginning with Genesis Chapter 3, where the devil lied to Eve that they could be like god and that lie still resonates in most of the modern church. Believing these lies lead to fig leaves (i.e. false coverings to hide our sin or to hide our nakedness) and further leads us to cheap sentimental prayers that cost nothing and mean nothing to Him. Are you willing to have all of these false things stripped out of your life? During the last part of the broadcast Pastor Ray focuses on the lies to the Holy Spirit by Ananias and Sapphira, which cost them their lives (and their eternal life as well). Ask Jesus to remove all falseness from your heart and your life and to give you a heart willing to repent. Repentance is an ACTION, not an emotion. Pastor Ray during today's broadcast

The Ground of Your Salvation Is Shaking!

The Ground of Your Salvation Is Shaking! On today's broadcast Pastor Ray lay... On today's broadcast Pastor Ray lays out the parallel path that the modern church and an infamous couple from the book of Acts. Beloved, we're headed straight toward judgment and our only hope is to repent of all wickedness and turn to Jesus. Many will not find the grace that they desperately need because they're unwilling to be honest before God. Are you going to fully turn control of your life over to Jesus Christ, regardless of the costs or will you have one foot in the world and one foot in kingdom of God forcing Jesus to bring judgment upon your life?

The Ground of Your Salvation Is Shaking!

The Ground of Your Salvation Is Shaking! On today's broadcast Pastor Ray lay... On today's broadcast Pastor Ray lays out the parallel path that the modern church and an infamous couple from the book of Acts. Beloved, we're headed straight toward judgment and our only hope is to repent of all wickedness and turn to Jesus. Many will not find the grace that they desperately need because they're unwilling to be honest before God. Are you going to fully turn control of your life over to Jesus Christ, regardless of the costs or will you have one foot in the world and one foot in kingdom of God forcing Jesus to bring judgment upon your life?

The Ground of Your Salvation Is Shaking!

The Ground of Your Salvation Is Shaking! On today's broadcast Pastor Ray lay... On today's broadcast Pastor Ray lays out the parallel path that the modern church and an infamous couple from the book of Acts. Beloved, we're headed straight toward judgment and our only hope is to repent of all wickedness and turn to Jesus. Many will not find the grace that they desperately need because they're unwilling to be honest before God. Are you going to fully turn control of your life over to Jesus Christ, regardless of the costs or will you have one foot in the world and one foot in kingdom of God forcing Jesus to bring judgment upon your life?