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Showing posts with the label PSALM23

The Lord Is My Shepherd

The Lord Is My Shepherd On today's Pilgrim's Progress, Past... On today's Pilgrim's Progress, Pastor Ray walks us through Psalm 23 and Psalm 24 (along with an additional verse from Psalm 25). The question he poses to you and I is the Lord our shepherd, even when we're walking through the valley of the shadow of death. It's a place of the indescribable sweetness of our Lord Jesus Christ (this valley of the shadow of death), has that been true for you, even in the midst of very painful circumstances? The key is to put all of our weight into trusting the shepherd of our souls, King Jesus! If you've gotten upset and let the path, it's time to come to yourself and get back to Jesus. He wants to be the shepherd of your soul, will you let Him?

Do Not Lie To The Holy Spirit

Do Not Lie To The Holy Spirit Which way are you bending your hear... Which way are you bending your heart toward Jesus or toward the devil? We bend our hearts to the devil by lying about our true condition and thinking we're the "man" (or woman or boy or girl), who can take care of everything. We lie to the Holy Spirit by going our own way, refusing to submit to Jesus. Eventually, that type of behavior will catch up with you and I, as it did for King Saul. Pastor Ray makes this clear by going through the life of King Saul and highlighting some of the critical decisions he made. We must choose now to bend our hearts fully to Jesus, what will do dear one? Don't lie to the Holy Spirit dear one, the price is high, very high indeed...