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Showing posts with the label ROMANSCHAPTER10

The Rhema of God (2016)

The Rhema of God (2016) Join us for an encore sermon from 2016 ... Join us for an encore sermon from 2016 on what is a rhema of God compared to the word of the devil. A rhema brings us into conflict against the devil and his minions. Pastor Ray carefully lays this out and then provides some examples, which are illustrative, in the lives of others and also in his own life. Where does the rhema come from? Find out as you listen along to today's powerful message. Are you willing to actively give your life to Jesus for the sake of the rhema He wants you to be a part of?

The Coming of Faith (2005)

The Coming of Faith (2005) Many of you know what the coming of fai... Many of you know what the coming of faith means but have been unwilling to risk everything for the Word of God to your heart. Are you willing to put everything on the line for what Jesus wants to do in your heart, regardless of what your intellect may say, regardless of how you feel. Is your life being given over for the kingdom of God NOW? Allow Jesus to speak as you listen to this powerful and precious message. ..."Faith is my willingness to believe His word regardless of what it feels like or what it looks like, regardless of what other people say to me, regardless of the voices of the past that ring in my ears and tell me don't trust it. Faith is believing that what God has said is true and acting on that word, not saying let me wait and see."  Pastor Ray during today's sermon

The Path of Love

The Path of Love Pastor begins to lay out this path ... Pastor begins to lay out this path of love by a very familiar story in the Old Testament of Samuel's parents. This path is evidenced as a self-sacrificing type of love or agape . It's also evidenced by our Savior and Lord Jesus. What happens if we reject this path of love that Jesus has for us? During the last half of the broadcast, Pastor Ray walks through the path of love laid out for us in 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. Will you choose the pathway of love laid out for us, which is the path of Jesus?