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Showing posts with the label RUTHANDNAOMI

At the Crossroad of Suffering - 2014

At the Crossroad of Suffering - 2014 Listen to this message chalked full of ... Listen to this message chalked full of scriptures and focusing upon being born from above. Have you made this decision to go this crossroad of suffering and to trust Jesus to bring you through with total victory over sin? Jesus has made provision available to you, will you say yes, regardless of the costs? Count the cost of following Jesus dear one and say yes and mean it! "Now the great battle that every man and every woman faces is the battle you face from within your own heart. What will you do, with the wickedness of your own heart?" Pastor Ray during today's message

At the Crossroad of Suffering - 2014

At the Crossroad of Suffering - 2014 Listen to this message chalked full of ... Listen to this message chalked full of scriptures and focusing upon being born from above. Have you made this decision to go this crossroad of suffering and to trust Jesus to bring you through with total victory over sin? Jesus has made provision available to you, will you say yes, regardless of the costs? Count the cost of following Jesus dear one and say yes and mean it! "Now the great battle that every man and every woman faces is the battle you face from within your own heart. What will you do, with the wickedness of your own heart?" Pastor Ray during today's message

At the Crossroad of Suffering - 2014

At the Crossroad of Suffering - 2014 Listen to this message chalked full of ... Listen to this message chalked full of scriptures and focusing upon being born from above. Have you made this decision to go this crossroad of suffering and to trust Jesus to bring you through with total victory over sin? Jesus has made provision available to you, will you say yes, regardless of the costs? Count the cost of following Jesus dear one and say yes and mean it! "Now the great battle that every man and every woman faces is the battle you face from within your own heart. What will you do, with the wickedness of your own heart?" Pastor Ray during today's message