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Showing posts with the label HEBREWSCHAPTER9

Asbury Hungry For Jesus

Asbury Hungry For Jesus Pastor Ray began today's broadcast with an introduction largely from Pastor David Wilkerson book entitled " Hungry for More of Jesus ." The first step to revival is a hunger for Jesus. He goes on to provide a framework for the rest of the week by highlighting some of the scriptures that are tagged below. If you're willing to seek after Jesus with your whole part and then step into what He's asking from you, this week will be your week of deliverance. God bless you dear one!

The Love Of God Is Greater Still

The Love Of God Is Greater Still Have you experienced the love of God that draws us out of our sin and as we give ourselves to Jesus, He sets us free. It's a wonderful love story today and not a false grace but a grace that totally removes our sin. Don't be deceived by the lies of the enemy, who comes to kill, steal and destroy. Do you want to be set free today and will you ask Jesus to remove the sin in your heart? “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5b

In Christ Alone

In Christ Alone The Holy Spirit interrupted the mes... The Holy Spirit interrupted the message Pastor Ray had planned and he uncovers the lie of the finished work on one side and legalism on the other. Jesus has a glorious plan of redemption for you and I but we must be crucified with Him. The transcript of the message will be available on the website, probably tomorrow (it's an automated process). We're also going to be re-airing this message the next couple of days because of us, (probably me much more almost all of you), because it takes some time for this to sink in to our spirit. Will you let Jesus finish this work in your heart as you yield yourself totally to Him?

Running Out Of Grace

Running Out Of Grace There are several terms, which may be unfamiliar to some of you. They're included in the tags of today's message. Do you see that we're running out of grace in this age? Note that we're not the center, as commonly taught in the modern apostate church. The scriptures are consistently clear that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. If that's not clear, read the scriptural references that Pastor Ray lays out. He wants victory over sin for you dear one, it cost Jesus everything for your sin and mine.

The Love Of God Is Greater Still

The Love Of God Is Greater Still Have you experienced the love of God that draws us out of our sin and as we give ourselves to Jesus, He sets us free. It's a wonderful love story today and not a false grace but a grace that totally removes our sin. Don't be deceived by the lies of the enemy, who comes to kill, steal and destroy. Do you want to be set free today and will you ask Jesus to remove the sin in your heart? “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5b