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Showing posts with the label CHAPTER6

Do Not Play With God!

Do Not Play With God! Today's broadcast focuses on a stor... Today's broadcast focuses on a story by our dear brother Bevington, whom you're familiar with if you've been listening to this broadcast for any length of time. The only way through for ALL of us is to covenant with the Lord to uncover any and all self-deception. Self-deception is deadly because we can't see it (because we're unconscious, fail to see the cause-and-effect of sin, or perhaps some other reason) and unless we diligently seek Jesus, it's unlikely that the Holy Spirit will uncover it for us. If you don't seek Jesus with all of your heart (see Jeremiah 29:13 ), you simply won't find Him dear one... “Brethren, this great battle must be fought out on our faces. I have no message to preach. You have had too much preaching. I have only a burden of prayer that each of you may be brought face to face with your real condition as God sees you. I beg you to fly for your lives ...