Have Life To The Full Pastor Ray walks us through much o... Pastor Ray walks us through much of John Chapter 10, which is a source of great encouragement. Jesus is the good shepherd, will you trust Him, regardless of your circumstances. Pastor Ray contrasts Jesus to the false shepherds or hirelings of our day. Will you fully place your life into the hands of Jesus? He alone can carry through the storms that lie ahead and for many of you, the present storms. 9 I am the gate. If anyone enters through Me, he will be saved. He will come in and go out and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness. John 10:9,10 - Berean Study BIble https://www.nationalprayerchapel.com/?p=43801&feed_id=3704
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