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Showing posts with the label MATTHEWCHAPTER7

The Courage (to trust Jesus)

The Courage (to trust Jesus) It takes real courage to ask and allow ... It takes real courage to ask and allow the Holy Spirit to go all the way to the bottom, will you trust Him? He's not out to destroy or denigrate you, but rather is interested in a full transformation to use you as a tool in His hand. This requires facing the reality of who really are, not some sentimental distortion. The church of Laodicea had evidence of this hostility to God, which was hidden behind self-deception. We must be made righteous, as an imputed righteousness is not real. Will you allow your heart to be melted down before Jesus? It takes courage to admit your condition honestly before God, are you willing to be zealous and to repent?

Two Roads, One Broad One Narrow

Two Roads, One Broad One Narrow Pastor Ray lays out two roads for the Christian, the primary question is which road are you on? Listen intently and ask the Holy Spirit to show you the narrow way. The narrow way is too narrow to allow selfishness, while the broad road makes everything about its own consumption in some form (i.e. what's in it for me and how can I benefit). What is the testimony that your life proclaims (not just your mouth)? Is it laying down your life for your brother and/or your sister, your family, all that Jesus puts in your life, or is it about you being all you can be? Allow the Holy Spirit to search your heart, as most of us have been taught that the broad way would suffice. Are you willing to leave the broad road and trust Jesus to carry you home on the narrow road?

The Foundation of Christian Living (2014)

The Foundation of Christian Living (2014) In today's encore message, Pastor Ray p... In today's encore message, Pastor Ray preaches from the book of Ephesians. The message focuses on the foundation which must be laid in our lives. How do we grow up in Jesus or how do we make progress in Jesus? To answer that question, Pastor Ray asked a couple of questions " Are you willing to allow Jesus Christ to rule over your life? Are you willing to allow Him full control over your life? " Have you entered into a covenant relationship where your life now belongs totally to Jesus? If you're looking for a deeper life in Jesus, listen closely to today's message. It's simple and straightforward.

Cut Off From This Life

Cut Off From This Life Find ... Find out today what it means to be cut off from this life (which means the world, the flesh and the devil). Is this the cry of your heart that you be fully given to Jesus? Pastor Ray walks us through his testimony of what Jesus is doing in his heart, and Jesus wants to do that same work in each one of us. Will you ask Him to do it in you?? "Now, usually as people in our culture and in the apostate American church, we expect to live our life as we choose. It's our life, after all. To go where we want to go, to think what we want to think. But that's not life in Christ." Pastor Ray during today's broadcast

The Courage (to trust Jesus)

The Courage (to trust Jesus) It takes real courage to ask and allow ... It takes real courage to ask and allow the Holy Spirit to go all the way to the bottom, will you trust Him? He's not out to destroy or denigrate you, but rather is interested in a full transformation to use you as a tool in His hand. This requires facing the reality of who really are, not some sentimental distortion. The church of Laodicea had evidence of this hostility to God, which was hidden behind self-deception. We must be made righteous, as an imputed righteousness is not real. Will you allow your heart to be melted down before Jesus? It takes courage to admit your condition honestly before God, are you willing to be zealous and to repent?

Crisis Sanctification

Crisis Sanctification After... After a brief introduction on the topic of "entire sanctification," Pastor Ray opens up one of the major keys to entering into this blessed place using the story of King Samuel and the prophet Samuel. God desires to bring us to a place of crisis sanctification but we oftentimes block the conviction of the Holy Spirit through our defensiveness. Are you willing to give up all defensiveness and allow the Holy Spirit to show you the true condition of your heart? "We never fall into sin, we jump into sin." Pastor Ray During today's broadcast

The Foundation of Christian Living (2014)

The Foundation of Christian Living (2014) In today's encore message, Pastor Ray p... In today's encore message, Pastor Ray preaches from the book of Ephesians. The message focuses on the foundation which must be laid in our lives. How do we grow up in Jesus or how do we make progress in Jesus? To answer that question, Pastor Ray asked a couple of questions " Are you willing to allow Jesus Christ to rule over your life? Are you willing to allow Him full control over your life? " Have you entered into a covenant relationship where your life now belongs totally to Jesus? If you're looking for a deeper life in Jesus, listen closely to today's message. It's simple and straightforward.

Will You Drink Deeply Of Jesus?

Will You Drink Deeply Of Jesus? On today's broadcast, Pastor Ray lays out the two necessary behaviors that enable one to drink deeply of Jesus. He contrasts drinking deeply of Jesus to the behavior of King Saul, who was full of self concern. He opted not to meet these elements and ultimately ended up eating at a witch's table. Have you been like King Saul, more concerned about things of this world then to simply trust and obey Jesus? Where is your heart today?

Two Roads, One Broad One Narrow

Two Roads, One Broad One Narrow Pastor Ray lays out two roads for the Christian, the primary question is which road are you on? Listen intently and ask the Holy Spirit to show you the narrow way. The narrow way is too narrow to allow selfishness, while the broad road makes everything about its own consumption in some form (i.e. what's in it for me and how can I benefit). What is the testimony that your life proclaims (not just your mouth)? Is it laying down your life for your brother and/or your sister, your family, all that Jesus puts in your life, or is it about you being all you can be? Allow the Holy Spirit to search your heart, as most of us have been taught that the broad way would suffice. Are you willing to leave the broad road and trust Jesus to carry you home on the narrow road?

The Courage (to trust Jesus)

The Courage (to trust Jesus) It takes real courage to ask and allow ... It takes real courage to ask and allow the Holy Spirit to go all the way to the bottom, will you trust Him? He's not out to destroy or denigrate you, but rather is interested in a full transformation to use you as a tool in His hand. This requires facing the reality of who really are, not some sentimental distortion. The church of Laodicea had evidence of this hostility to God, which was hidden behind self-deception. We must be made righteous, as an imputed righteousness is not real. Will you allow your heart to be melted down before Jesus? It takes courage to admit your condition honestly before God, are you willing to be zealous and to repent?

Cut Off From This Life

Cut Off From This Life Find ... Find out today what it means to be cut off from this life (which means the world, the flesh and the devil). Is this the cry of your heart that you be fully given to Jesus? Pastor Ray walks us through his testimony of what Jesus is doing in his heart, and Jesus wants to do that same work in each one of us. Will you ask Him to do it in you?? "Now, usually as people in our culture and in the apostate American church, we expect to live our life as we choose. It's our life, after all. To go where we want to go, to think what we want to think. But that's not life in Christ." Pastor Ray during today's broadcast

Crisis Sanctification

Crisis Sanctification After... After a brief introduction on the topic of "entire sanctification," Pastor Ray opens up one of the major keys to entering into this blessed place using the story of King Samuel and the prophet Samuel. God desires to bring us to a place of crisis sanctification but we oftentimes block the conviction of the Holy Spirit through our defensiveness. Are you willing to give up all defensiveness and allow the Holy Spirit to show you the true condition of your heart? "We never fall into sin, we jump into sin." Pastor Ray During today's broadcast