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Showing posts with the label MATTHEWCHAPTER5

New Beginning of Obedience to God

New Beginning of Obedience to God Pastor Ray uncovers the lie of the "fin... Pastor Ray uncovers the lie of the "finished work" doctrine and lays out a scriptural basis for union with Jesus. Are you ready for a new beginning of obedience to Jesus? Listen closely to the message.

The Second Pentecost

The Second Pentecost On today's Pilgrim's Progress Pasto... On today's Pilgrim's Progress Pastor Ray melds the reading and study of Acts Chapter 10 in with the plight of a dear listener, who is seeking to be fully restored to Jesus. What is the key to be restored? We know that we're called to pray and read the scriptures, do you actually do those things? The key is laid out by Pastor Ray multiple times during the broadcast but it's simply this: Our walk and talk must match, otherwise this gap will create more and more distance between your heart and Jesus. That's the key to walking with Jesus, it's the key to becoming a Christian, and it's the key if you've backslidden and you want to get back with Jesus. Now this sounds very simple but there's a huge price to pay, which is your life dear one, so it's definitely not cheap...

New Beginning of Obedience to God

New Beginning of Obedience to God Pastor Ray uncovers the lie of the "fin... Pastor Ray uncovers the lie of the "finished work" doctrine and lays out a scriptural basis for union with Jesus. Are you ready for a new beginning of obedience to Jesus? Listen closely to the message.

The Second Pentecost

The Second Pentecost On today's Pilgrim's Progress Pasto... On today's Pilgrim's Progress Pastor Ray melds the reading and study of Acts Chapter 10 in with the plight of a dear listener, who is seeking to be fully restored to Jesus. What is the key to be restored? We know that we're called to pray and read the scriptures, do you actually do those things? The key is laid out by Pastor Ray multiple times during the broadcast but it's simply this: Our walk and talk must match, otherwise this gap will create more and more distance between your heart and Jesus. That's the key to walking with Jesus, it's the key to becoming a Christian, and it's the key if you've backslidden and you want to get back with Jesus. Now this sounds very simple but there's a huge price to pay, which is your life dear one, so it's definitely not cheap...

This Is The Game Changer

This Is The Game Changer Today's straight message lays out the whole underbelly of the Beatitudes that is rarely preached on and even put into practice on a much lesser scale. Have you given everything into the hand of Jesus, who now holds and directs your entire life? You may not grab hold of this the first time through, so you may need to listen again.

Do You Have The Courage To Face Your Heart

Do You Have The Courage To Face Your Heart Our series on the Beatitudes continues today, with the focus on the third Beatitude. Pastor Ray goes back to the story of King David and his wayward son, Absalom, to illustrate this meekness that Jesus requires of us and wants to do in us. It's not something we can attain, but it is something that Jesus wants to give to us. Are you willing to enter the covenant that David did in 2 Samuel Chapter 15? This story clearly demonstrates the meekness that God had worked in King David's heart. Have you allowed Jesus, or will you allow Him to do this same work in your heart or are you a wolf man perhaps hiding in sheep's clothing?

The Shame of Being Found Out

The Shame of Being Found Out Our series in the Beatitudes continues today, as Pastor Ray looks at the second beatitude (or be-happy attitude, see below). He uses the story of the Apostle Peter and another unrelated story of a dear brother to beautifully illustrate this Beatitude. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew Chapter 5:4 Is there great shame in your heart because Jesus has uncovered the darkness in your heart, maybe something you were totally unaware of as was the case with Peter? Do you love Jesus more than these whatever that may be for you?? Is your faith in Jesus to carry you through the sifting that you're going through?

Born Again On The Open Road

Born Again On The Open Road Pastor Ray begins to walk us down the road to salvation outlined in the Beatitudes, after spending some time looking at the life of Nicodemus and Jesus call to be born from above. The first thing we must get a hold of in our souls is the necessity of being poor in spirit. It's almost un-American because we think we can do all things, which is patently untrue. Let the Holy Spirit draw you closer as you confess your inability to convert yourself to make the changes that God wants to make in your heart. We need Jesus, without Him we can do nothing. This series on the Beatitudes will continue this week. I'm including a verse from a hymn that Pastor Ray alluded to on the broadcast today. Just as I am, without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me, and that thou bidd'st me come to thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come. Charlotte Elliott - Just a...