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Showing posts with the label HEBREWSCHAPTER13

Do You Love Jesus, Of Course, Really

Do You Love Jesus, Of Course, Really "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments." John 14:15 - Berean Study Bible The question that we need to ask ourselves as Pastor Ray has been asking Jesus and himself do we really love Jesus? Is that reflected in the choices we make, do we make choices to please ourselves or to please Jesus and to be obedient to Him? Pastor Ray goes through a story in Pilgrim's Progress (most of Chapter 8), which is so convicting because it's very similar to where most of us live. I'm sure that Pastor Ray will be delving into this topic more deeply but it's important to drop your defenses and allow the Holy Spirit access to your heart. Jesus hasn't come to condemn you but rather transform you but has happened in reality. It's something to poinder over, especially as you pray.

The Love Of God Is Greater Still

The Love Of God Is Greater Still Have you experienced the love of God that draws us out of our sin and as we give ourselves to Jesus, He sets us free. It's a wonderful love story today and not a false grace but a grace that totally removes our sin. Don't be deceived by the lies of the enemy, who comes to kill, steal and destroy. Do you want to be set free today and will you ask Jesus to remove the sin in your heart? “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5b

The Love Of God Is Greater Still

The Love Of God Is Greater Still Have you experienced the love of God that draws us out of our sin and as we give ourselves to Jesus, He sets us free. It's a wonderful love story today and not a false grace but a grace that totally removes our sin. Don't be deceived by the lies of the enemy, who comes to kill, steal and destroy. Do you want to be set free today and will you ask Jesus to remove the sin in your heart? “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5b

The Terrifying Work of Demons

The Terrifying Work of Demons Pastor Ray delves into the spirit world to uncover the terrifying work of demons. We must know and engage in this battle and trust Jesus to fully deliver us. He uses the story of the demoniac in Mark Chapter 5 to uncover the enemy's game plan for you and me. Have you been set free by the blood of Jesus, or are you still enslaved? The battle belongs to the Lord, but we must engage ourselves in this battle through confession, repentance and trust in Jesus. The heart of Jesus is victory against every demonic power that would come against you.