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Showing posts with the label SERIESONDANIEL

The Writing Is On The Wall

The Writing Is On The Wall Pasto... Pastor Ray recounts the story in Daniel Chapter 5 of King Belshazzar, Nebuchadnezzar's son when judgment came upon his kingdom. Do you see the handwriting on the wall for America? n fact, if you look closely you'll see that judgment has already come upon much of the church. Has your love for Jesus grown cold? Are you prepared for the dark days ahead and will you do whatever the Holy Spirit asks you to do? Have you entered into a covenant walk with Jesus?

An Ancient And Terrifying Dream

An Ancient And Terrifying Dream The s... The series on Daniel continues today with the story of Nebuchadnezzar's insanity in Daniel 4. Has God cut you down because of the arrogance of your heart? If so, then this is the sign that God is desiring you to humble you heart and repent of any arrogance that's exposed. God will cut you down to reduce you or to serve His purpose, this is something that enabled Him to win King Nebuchadnezzar's heart. Will you humble yourself before a Holy God or will God humble you?

The Writing Is On The Wall

The Writing Is On The Wall Pasto... Pastor Ray recounts the story in Daniel Chapter 5 of King Belshazzar, Nebuchadnezzar's son when judgment came upon his kingdom. Do you see the handwriting on the wall for America? In fact, if you look closely you'll see that judgment has already come upon much of the church. Has your love for Jesus grown cold? Are you prepared for the dark days ahead and will you do whatever the Holy Spirit asks you to do? Have you entered into a covenant walk with Jesus?

Judgment For The Saints

Judgment For The Saints After... After a lengthy explanation of his hermeneutical understanding of the scriptures, Pastor Ray delves into Daniel 7. Pastor Ray does this with great kindness, not with an attitude saying I'm right. All of our opinions must be laid down and given to Jesus! Is your heart prepared for whatever is going to happen, whether there be a secret rapture as some say or a time of great tribulation for Christians as Pastor Ray said using Daniel and some other scriptures. The point is that we must be prepared, regardless of what is about to happen and stay humble and not rise up in arrogance. Is your heart tender and have you laid down all judgments?