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Showing posts with the label JOHN11

If You Believe You Will See God's Glory

If You Believe You Will See God's Glory Our s... Our study continues from the book of John today as Pastor Ray goes back to finish the story of Lazarus. Do you see that Jesus is telling you the same thing he told Mary and Martha after the death of Lazarus, will you believe Him? Where do you stand today with Jesus, are you alive in Jesus and is Jesus alive in you? God is NOT dependent upon your faith or mine, as demonstrated in what Jesus did as He raised Lazarus! Pastor Ray closes the broadcast with a discussion of Psalm 91.

Hope For Tomorrow

Hope For Tomorrow Today... Today's message is about Lazarus and Mary and Martha but it's much more than that. The message is more about learning the ways of God and how God wants us to wait upon Him. That's our core "job". God's focus is always upon His plan and not our individual circumstances. Our solution is not to quit or give up but to learn to wait upon Him. Pastor Ray backs this up with scripture and his own testimony of God's faithfulness in his own life. Join us as Pastor Ray walks us through Psalm 27.