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Dead To Sin, Alive To Jesus

Dead To Sin, Alive To Jesus Today's message is a very critical ... Today's message is a very critical one if you're aware, that despite your best efforts, you find yourself wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked (from Revelation Chapter 3). If you want this to change you need to ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart and show you your true spiritual condition. Are you willing to be zealous and repent where the Holy Spirit identifies sin?

Lord Teach Me to Pray

Lord Teach Me to Pray On to... On today's broadcast, Pastor Ray walked through the Lord's prayer and how we are we are to pray. Are you willing to pray this prayer? Lord, teach us to pray!

A Day In The Life Of Jesus

A Day In The Life Of Jesus Listen to Pastor Ray walk through a... Listen to Pastor Ray walk through a day in the life of Jesus. Jesus uncover many a heart, will you let him uncover your heart? Is there anything in your life that you make allowance for, yet you know is not pleasing to Jesus? Will you make a decision in your life today to let all of your life, all of your resources, all of your heart be an offering to King Jesus, regardless of the cost you may incur as the result of this decision? Have you made excuses for not doing something knowing it displeased the heart of Jesus? It's time for a change dear one. Let today be a new day for you and your walk with Jesus!

Please, Don't Harden Your Heart

Please, Don't Harden Your Heart Pastor Ray takes us much deeper in Matthew Chapter 11. The question is whether or not you are yoked with Jesus? Listen and allow Pastor Ray to lay this out in simple, straightforward way. There is no alternative to being yoked with Jesus and this again is laid out in a simple way. The only yoke we need is this yoke of Jesus that He wants to do for us, will you let Him?

A Backslider Restored

A Backslider Restored In today's message, Pastor Ray lays out... In today's message, Pastor Ray lays out the keys to any sin or to be restored. We must fully surrender to Jesus and lift up the staff of God. Pastor Ray lays out this long battle that we all must undergo. Remember that the battle belongs to the Lord, as long as we're surrendered to Him! Jesus will be the victor! "It's the Holy Spirit who must come and convict your heart, and you must be listening to the true gospel of Jesus in full righteousness, not self-help." Pastor Ray during today's message

Hungry for More of Jesus (2006 Sermon)

Hungry for More of Jesus (2006 Sermon) Are we really hungry for more of Jesus ... Are we really hungry for more of Jesus or do we prefer eating the pig slop of the world? Are you willing to ask the Holy Spirit to show you where you've been dining or perhaps you already know? We all must come to the end of ourselves and make that decision to be fully given to Jesus or consecrate ourselves. We must also put our trust in Him. Have you done that yet?

The Pharisee and the Publican

The Pharisee and the Publican It's ... It's easy to belittle the Pharisee who congratulated himself on not being a sinner. But this Pharisee sincerely believed his words. His religion was all outward with no inward heart change. We may have played the hypocrite and God had to deal with those harsh judgments, which have to be broken. Learn the tell-tale signs of a Pharisee, plus how to change if you are one.

God is so Beautiful

God is so Beautiful Pastor Ray walks us through much of the story of Esther, with a focus on what God is doing in the background. He then follows the story with walking through much of Romans Chapter 8. Our part in this walk is simply to cooperate in whatever God asks of us (i.e. repentance, obedience, submission and waiting upon Him). If we're willing to cooperate with Him, He will move in great power and authority to accomplish His will in our life but our will must be laid down. This awesome story will continue on tomorrow's Pilgrim's Progress.

The Road into the Heart of Jesus

The Road into the Heart of Jesus Today's message is number 10 on our all... Today's message is number 10 on our all-time favorite podcasts. Do you know the road into the heart of Jesus and are you willing to do whatever it takes to get onto that road?

Putting Off All Moral Uncleanness

Putting Off All Moral Uncleanness Today... Today's study in the book of James continues with the focus today being upon the issue of the sinning Christian and the skewing of the modern translations that imply you can never get the victory over sin. What do you believe the Gospel to be? Do you believe that there is a place where Jesus can bring us into complete victory, as reflected in the actual Greek?

Sealed By The Holy Spirit of Promise

Sealed By The Holy Spirit of Promise Pasto... Pastor Ray talks about the necessity of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and clearly lays out the scriptural basis for it. The sermons are listed in the tags. Do you see the great need for this baptism and will you do whatever the Holy Spirit tells you so that you can receive this power. Listen closely to this very powerful message. Here's a link to the Lavender New Testament if you don't have one. We fully support Pastor Lavender in his ministry.

The Love Of God Is Greater Still

The Love Of God Is Greater Still Have you experienced the love of God that draws us out of our sin and as we give ourselves to Jesus, He sets us free. It's a wonderful love story today and not a false grace but a grace that totally removes our sin. Don't be deceived by the lies of the enemy, who comes to kill, steal and destroy. Do you want to be set free today and will you ask Jesus to remove the sin in your heart? “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5b


Judas? Judas had a hidden agenda and would... Judas had a hidden agenda and would not accept Jesus for who he is because his expectations were not being met. Have you dealt with this Judas spirit or will you allow it to destroy you? You need not be a Judas but must allow Jesus to fully change you and deal with bitterness, resentment, pride, judgment and/or your lack of love. Do it quickly because this Judas spirit will quickly lead to betrayal and you will become a betrayer.

Get Fixed Up With God, Pray

Get Fixed Up With God, Pray We're... We're in such trouble (i.e. the church), please listen to our live prayer meeting today. Thank you for the precious women of God who called in to pray. We need to awaken from our slumber to cry out to Jesus as darkness descends upon America and the rest of the world.

No Culture of Sin Called Grace

No Culture of Sin Called Grace The H... The Holy Spirit uncovers the lie of being under grace and sin. There must be a crucifixion as there is no victory in legalism or in the sinning Christian belief system that denigrates the blood of Jesus. Are you willing to be crucified with Christ? (Note: This is a continuation in the series of Romans.)

Come Up Out of That Mess (2005)

Come Up Out of That Mess (2005) Pastor Ray lays out several stories fro... Pastor Ray lays out several stories from the scriptures and lays the necessity of coming up out of that mess (i.e. the sin whatever form it may take). Have you left your mess and are ready to minister to these precious ones, who come in their own mess? Is your life's mission to call others them out and into the kingdom of God?

A Thorough Spiritual Overhaul

A Thorough Spiritual Overhaul Pasto... Pastor Ray begins with a review of Romans 6 and 7 from last Thursday's broadcast and then begins a new study in the book of Colossians. Jesus wants to give us a thorough spiritual overhaul, if you'll simply let Him do it. Will you trust Him today?

Plain Talk About Revival

Plain Talk About Revival On today's broadcast, Pastor Ray lays out the plain talk about revival as expressed in the scriptures. The litmus test we must use is the Word of God. He goes on to contrast what the scriptures say to what has been in these "revivals." Have you been gullible and believed lies? Do you want true revival and are you willing to pay the cost?

Don't Miss This Fourth Great Secret

Don't Miss This Fourth Great Secret Pastor Ray continues with this teaching on the Parable of the Sower. Today is the final broadcast in this series. After reviewing the first three secrets, Pastor Ray lays out where God wants to takes us using this passage in Luke and the 10th Chapter of Hebrews. This is the normal Christian life and if this isn't your present experience or you're not pressing toward this with all you have, something is wrong dear one and we would suggest going back and listening to the whole series again. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it sprang up and produced a crop—a hundredfold.” Luke 8:8 - Berean Study BIble

The Greatest Story Ever Told

The Greatest Story Ever Told The s... The story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest story ever told. Why? On the one hand, it is the gospel that brings salvation to all who will repent and believe. On the other hand, it demonstrates God's incredible love for a lost, wicked world of sinners. As you listen to the incredible story of the gospel, consider this. The lengths that Jesus Christ went to in order to save us were necessary. He didn't do anything extra. You and I were so evil that the Son of God had to suffer and die in order to turn our hearts back to him. But, he doesn't leave us in the grave. Like Jesus, we can experience the glorious resurrection life as new, holy people! So, are you saved from sin today? Have you returned to God with hearty obedience? If not, will you--right now? (Note: We had a problem with the recording around the 26 minute mark that we ...