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Showing posts with the label SERIES

The Peaceful Fruit of Righteousness

The Peaceful Fruit of Righteousness Today's sermon is for the mature follow... Today's sermon is for the mature follower of Jesus from Hebrews 12. The title is part of Hebrews 12:11, which says " Now all discipline for the present does not seem to be joyful, but painful; then later it gives back the peaceful fruit of righteousness to the ones having been trained by it. " It's critically important to let go of any bitterness or unforgiveness (or even expectations of others) fully in our hearts, as this will result in sin, don't be a "threshold crosser" as Esau was.

A Gateway of Hope in the Valley of Achor

A Gateway of Hope in the Valley of Achor In a ... In a gut-wrenching effort to prevent divorce, God said to Israel, "I am going to block her way with thorns...I am going to lure her and lead her out into the wilderness and speak to her heart...and make the Valley of Achor a gateway of hope" (Hosea 2:6; 14-15). Have you found yourself boxed in by God, with no sense of his presence, and no way to save yourself from total ruin? If so, the reason may be that you've resisted the leading of the Holy Spirit for so long that God is bringing crisis to your life in a final attempt to save you. The devil will lie and and say, "God won't really provide for you. He's a hard God," but God's heart is to open a gateway of hope. He loves you!   Will you walk through the valley of Achor trusting in the goodness of Jesus? What Jesus will explicitly show you is that you are the hard one and not Him. ...

Do You Need a Full Work of Righteousness?

Do You Need a Full Work of Righteousness? Are y... Are you faithful to Jesus Christ? The book of James is clear that if we love the world--which encompasses anything we love more than Jesus-we are committing adultery against Him. If this is your case, you are an enemy of God and God will oppose you in your pride. You have chosen, by an act of your own will to usurp God's power and authority in your life. To be faithful to Jesus, you must allow the body of sin to be destroyed by dying with Christ, and become a new creature in Him, not walking in known sin. Is your life over? Have you come to terms with your own death? Will you make up your mind to love Christ supremely, with no way to turn back?

Binding the Strong Man

Binding the Strong Man On to... On today's broadcast, Pastor Ray  details Chapter 9 from the book " Rees Howell: Intercessor " . The work of the Spirit is done in intercession, so listen to this closely, as all Christians are called to be intercessors.

Samuel Brengle (Part 1 of 2)

Samuel Brengle (Part 1 of 2) This is Samuel's direct testimony of en... This is Samuel's direct testimony of entire sanctification from the only known recording of him (from 1920). You may need to increase the volume a bit but it's well worth the listen as someone's spoken words tend to have more weight than just the written word. This has been to edited down to less than two minutes.

How Far Have You Come by Faith?

How Far Have You Come by Faith? On to... On today's broadcast, Pastor Ray asks the question how far have you come by faith? Is it a real journey or is it simply a sentimental one? Listen to the journey that God has called you to and make the decision to follow Jesus today.

Where Satan Has His Throne

Where Satan Has His Throne Today... Today's powerful message is from the message to the church of Pergamos, which is chalked full of messages to the modern church. It's a church that thought it could walk in the darkness and the light at the same time. Are you like Antipas or Balaam? Antipas died a martyr of Jesus and Balaam died as a betrayer of Jesus, it's time to choose... Will you be fully given to Jesus, in reality?

I Will Not Be Mine

I Will Not Be Mine Today... Today is a more in-depth study from Thursday's broadcast. The scripture text is lengthy but Pastor Ray reads from Dr Lavender's New Testament. Here are verses 17 & 18 from Ephesians 4:  Now this I say, and declare in the Lord: you are to no longer to walk as the other Gentiles walk, in the nonsense of their mind, having been darkened in the understanding, being alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance existing in them, because of the hardness of their hearts. He talks about the four key doctrines of Gerhard Tersteegen and many churches in the late 17th century.  Make that choice to allow Jesus to go all the way to the bottom in your heart.

Hindrances to the Narrow Path (2008)

Hindrances to the Narrow Path (2008) After Jesus lays out the moral requirem... After Jesus lays out the moral requirements of the new covenant, he concludes the sermon on the mount with a warning. What will hinder someone from finding the narrow gate, entering the narrow path, and staying on it? Namely, false prophets, hypocrisy, intellectualism, a defensive spirit, and a performance mindset will. Have you been ensnared by any of these?

Resetting Our Moral Compass (Encore)

Resetting Our Moral Compass (Encore) In this first message in the Sermon on ... In this first message in the Sermon on the Mount series, Pastor Ray lays out the design of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount to straighten out the bitterness of the human heart and put us on the road to righteousness. Because the Beatitudes are sequential, we won't make spiritual progress if we avoid mourning over the ugliness of our sinful condition. But if we're willing to mourn, we can move into the meekness described in verses 21 to 48. Will you let the Holy Spirit expose all the sin of your heart? Will you let him take you low enough so that you will be compassionate to all people, and find great happiness in loving those who despise you?

Pursue Peace and Purity

Pursue Peace and Purity Durin... During today's broadcast, Pastor Ray talks about God's great design to give us heart purity,  where we no longer participate in the wickedness of the world. There is no purification of heart without suffering as the author of Hebrews says  " You must pursue peace with all men and the holiness (or purity) without which no one will see the Lord. (from the Lavender New Testament). " Make the decision to not walk in bitterness, which inevitably will lead to sin.

Winston Churchill and God's Divine Plan (2015)

Winston Churchill and God's Divine Plan (2015) When most of Europe had rolled over to ... When most of Europe had rolled over to Nazi forces, one man--Winston Churchill--took a stand and declared, "We shall never surrender." He understood the will of God to defend Christian civilization and boldly stood in the gap (Ezekiel 22:30). Behind the scenes, Rees Howells prayed through to victory on key events that overthrew Hitler and secured the Allies' victory. Today, it looks like much of Western civilization and the Christian world is rolling over to the devil and political correctness. But, behind the scenes, men and women who see God's purpose for America on a global scale are in their prayer closets, crying out to Jesus Christ to bring a revival of righteousness to America. Have you taken this stand? If you haven't, will you, today?

Entering by the Promise!

Entering by the Promise! Durin... During today's broadcast, Pastor Ray talks about entering into the life of Christ, which comes through crucifixion (by Jesus) and a quick transition to entering into the promises of God. The key scripture is 2 Peter 1:3-4 . 3  His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4  Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

An Open Door Of Blessing

An Open Door Of Blessing Today... Today's message is to the Church of Philadelphia, one of two churches which had no rebuke given from Jesus. This church had no basis of pride but were simply servants of the most High. Is your life an open door of blessing through which Jesus can flow? Have you renounced all moaning and groaning and simply have put your trust in Jesus? Are you a part of the Philadelphia church, evidence by the holy life you live? "Sin always come out of some attitude of pride." Pastor Ray Greenley

Samuel Brengle (Part 1 of 2)

Samuel Brengle (Part 1 of 2) This is Samuel's direct testimony of en... This is Samuel's direct testimony of entire sanctification from the only known recording of him (from 1920). You may need to increase the volume a bit but it's well worth the listen as someone's spoken words tend to have more weight than just the written word. This has been to edited down to less than two minutes.

Unresolved Charges in Heaven?

Unresolved Charges in Heaven? Somet... Sometimes, we can get let time and love gloss over unresolved conflicts with others. But when it comes to our crimes against God, the courts of heaven will not let anything slide. God allows suffering to come into our lives as corrective discipline to turn our hearts back to Him. But if we rail against this discipline with grumbling or anger, we prove our disloyalty to God, break His heart, and push him closer to an eternal divorce.  The scriptures teach that God hates divorce, but know that Jesus requires  entire consecration. Does it crush you that God is lamenting over you?

By the Grace of God, I'm Not Going Back

By the Grace of God, I'm Not Going Back God is not interested in a superficial ... God is not interested in a superficial work in our hearts, he must take each of us all the way to the bottom. In this very special sermon, Pastor Ray lays out   four simple doctrines from a dear group of Christians from the 17th century that are key to revival followed by four specific behaviors that block this work. By the grace of God, we are trusting that Jesus will get the victory in our hearts as we simply trust Him with all of our hearts. May Jesus bring each one of us through to complete victory, amidst the tears and brokenness that will flow as He takes us to the bottom. Amen!  (Note: We used some different software to record the sermon with mixed results, please pray for wisdom for us, as we seek to obey what Jesus asks us to do.)

That You May See!

That You May See! After... After advising the church at Laodicea to buy gold tried in the fire (faith) and white robes (righteousness), our risen Lord adds, " and eye salve, that you may see. " This salve signifies the anointing of the Holy Spirit that allows us to see and hear what the Lord is doing and saying in this time. It includes both the spiritual awareness of one's condition needed for true conversion and the Pentecost anointing that allows us to speak the word of God with boldness and power. Are your eyes anointed with this salve?

Two Paths Clearly Marked (2008)

Two Paths Clearly Marked (2008) Unlike forest trails, which are quickly... Unlike forest trails, which are quickly overgrown, the path of light and the path of darkness have many clear markings. The first is identified by an active faith, bold confession, and absolute, sold-out dependence on Jesus; the second, by a divided heart, hiding one's sin, and self-reliance. In spite of these clear markings, we may trick ourselves about which path we're walking. Just because the path of light leads through a dark area doesn't mean we've sinned. Likewise, temporal ease doesn't mean that we're not under a sentence of death. Where are you today?

Isaac Marsden, Earnest Merchant Preacher

Isaac Marsden, Earnest Merchant Preacher Using... Using the story of Isaac Marsden, Pastor Ray asks you to make that same resolution made by Isaac when he was resolved that if there was a Heaven, he would gain it, and if there was a Hell, he would shun it. Finally, the Holy Spirit showed him who he was and he was born from above. God removed all sin from this dear man's heart and he wants to do the same for you. Will you allow Him to do that work in your heart? Jesus wants to make you righteous, will you have all that Jesus wants to give to you?