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Showing posts with the label 1SAMUELCHAPTERS1AND2

A Barren Heart

A Barren Heart This is the story of the barrenness... This is the story of the barrenness of Hannah (mother of Samuel) but not just about Hannah, it applies to you and me. Do you know why God brings barrenness and what the prescription is for this severe malady? Has God brought barrenness to your life for some specific reason? We may choose to avoid the issue or rebel against it but that will only prolong and intensify the barrenness. Listen to the full message to more clearly understand the message. Are you willing to get to God and to give him what he desires in your life?

The Path of Love

The Path of Love Pastor begins to lay out this path ... Pastor begins to lay out this path of love by a very familiar story in the Old Testament of Samuel's parents. This path is evidenced as a self-sacrificing type of love or agape . It's also evidenced by our Savior and Lord Jesus. What happens if we reject this path of love that Jesus has for us? During the last half of the broadcast, Pastor Ray walks through the path of love laid out for us in 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. Will you choose the pathway of love laid out for us, which is the path of Jesus?

A Barren Heart

A Barren Heart This is the story of the barrenness of Hannah (mother of Samuel) but not just about Hannah, it applies to you and me. Do you know why God brings barrenness and what the prescription is for this severe malady? Has God brought barrenness to your life for some specific reason? We may choose to avoid the issue or rebel against it but that will only prolong and intensify the barrenness. Listen to the full message to more clearly understand the message. Are you willing to get to God and to give him what he desires in your life?