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Showing posts with the label HEBREWSCHAPTER10


Endurance Find out in this classic sermon from 20... Find out in this classic sermon from 2016 what it means to endure, which is one of the key components of this walk with Jesus. Have you made a decision to endure with whatever Jesus allows to come into your life? Are you complaining or blaming someone else for your woes and is bitterness flowing from your heart? Have you fixed your heart to go all the way through with Jesus?

The Hugging Prophet

The Hugging Prophet Listen to the story of the prophet Haba... Listen to the story of the prophet Habakkuk and the transition made by this dear prophet. Have you made this same transition that Habakkuk did and will cry out for the presence of the Lord to fully change your heart? Have you been made righteous? Please note all of the scriptures listed as tags below... Only Jesus can fill that hole in your heart, which we've filled with many other things. (Note: The first part of the message was very poor in audio quality and there is some sibilance I couldn't fix. - Brother Ed)


Endurance Find out in this classic sermon from 20... Find out in this classic sermon from 2016 what it means to endure, which is one of the key components of this walk with Jesus. Have you made a decision to endure with whatever Jesus allows to come into your life? Are you complaining or blaming someone else for your woes and is bitterness flowing from your heart? Have you fixed your heart to go all the way through with Jesus?

Don't Miss This Fourth Great Secret

Don't Miss This Fourth Great Secret Pastor Ray continues with this teaching on the Parable of the Sower. Today is the final broadcast in this series. After reviewing the first three secrets, Pastor Ray lays out where God wants to takes us using this passage in Luke and the 10th Chapter of Hebrews. This is the normal Christian life and if this isn't your present experience or you're not pressing toward this with all you have, something is wrong dear one and we would suggest going back and listening to the whole series again. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it sprang up and produced a crop—a hundredfold.” Luke 8:8 - Berean Study BIble


Endurance Find out in this classic sermon from 20... Find out in this classic sermon from 2016 what it means to endure, which is one of the key components of this walk with Jesus. Have you made a decision to endure with whatever Jesus allows to come into your life? Are you complaining or blaming someone else for your woes and is bitterness flowing from your heart? Have you fixed your heart to go all the way through with Jesus?

The Hugging Prophet

The Hugging Prophet Listen to the story of the prophet Haba... Listen to the story of the prophet Habakkuk and the transition made by this dear prophet. Have you made this same transition that Habakkuk did and will cry out for the presence of the Lord to fully change your heart? Have you been made righteous? Please note all of the scriptures listed as tags below... Only Jesus can fill that hole in your heart, which we've filled with many other things. (Note: The first part of the message was very poor in audio quality and there is some sibilance I couldn't fix. - Brother Ed)

The Coming of Faith (2005)

The Coming of Faith (2005) Many of you know what the coming of fai... Many of you know what the coming of faith means but have been unwilling to risk everything for the Word of God to your heart. Are you willing to put everything on the line for what Jesus wants to do in your heart, regardless of what your intellect may say, regardless of how you feel. Is your life being given over for the kingdom of God NOW? Allow Jesus to speak as you listen to this powerful and precious message. ..."Faith is my willingness to believe His word regardless of what it feels like or what it looks like, regardless of what other people say to me, regardless of the voices of the past that ring in my ears and tell me don't trust it. Faith is believing that what God has said is true and acting on that word, not saying let me wait and see."  Pastor Ray during today's sermon

Running Out Of Grace

Running Out Of Grace There are several terms, which may be unfamiliar to some of you. They're included in the tags of today's message. Do you see that we're running out of grace in this age? Note that we're not the center, as commonly taught in the modern apostate church. The scriptures are consistently clear that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. If that's not clear, read the scriptural references that Pastor Ray lays out. He wants victory over sin for you dear one, it cost Jesus everything for your sin and mine.