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Showing posts from May, 2023

Provoked to Pray - 2004

Provoked to Pray - 2004 God brings us to a place of great barre... God brings us to a place of great barrenness and brokenness, as He did in Hannah's heart so that He can produce what He desires. Will you let that broken, barren place drive you to the prayer closet, so that God can produce a heart for revival in this city, which is so desperately needed?

Evil Seductive Spirits Fill The Land

Evil Seductive Spirits Fill The Land Do yo... Do you see the door that we have opened, leading to a deluge of evil, seductive spirits? Pastor Ray lays this same dynamic out in a series of stories on Solomon, Jeroboam and the prophet who was killed by a lion, because each opened the door to these demonic powers. Will you turn before judgment is pronounced on your life?

The Dangers of Cave Life - 2004

The Dangers of Cave Life - 2004 King David's stint in the cave provides... King David's stint in the cave provides three warnings about spiritual cave life that can help us today.

Two Roads, One Broad One Narrow

Two Roads, One Broad One Narrow Pastor Ray lays out two roads for the Christian, the primary question is which road are you on? Listen intently and ask the Holy Spirit to show you the narrow way. The narrow way is too narrow to allow selfishness, while the broad road makes everything about its own consumption in some form (i.e. what's in it for me and how can I benefit). What is the testimony that your life proclaims (not just your mouth)? Is it laying down your life for your brother and/or your sister, your family, all that Jesus puts in your life, or is it about you being all you can be? Allow the Holy Spirit to search your heart, as most of us have been taught that the broad way would suffice. Are you willing to leave the broad road and trust Jesus to carry you home on the narrow road?

Unveiling the False Intellectual Veneer of Ignorance (2013)

Unveiling the False Intellectual Veneer of Ignorance (2013) May the Holy Spirit unveil this ignoran... May the Holy Spirit unveil this ignorance, which has allowed many to remain in their sin while claiming to be Christians. Let all false sentimentality be removed from your heart by a powerful move of the Spirit of God and make a decision to leave all sin, today, forever! Indeed, today is the day of salvation! Merry Christmas, let Jesus reign and rule in your heart and soul today!

The Courage (to trust Jesus)

The Courage (to trust Jesus) It takes real courage to ask and allow ... It takes real courage to ask and allow the Holy Spirit to go all the way to the bottom, will you trust Him? He's not out to destroy or denigrate you, but rather is interested in a full transformation to use you as a tool in His hand. This requires facing the reality of who really are, not some sentimental distortion. The church of Laodicea had evidence of this hostility to God, which was hidden behind self-deception. We must be made righteous, as an imputed righteousness is not real. Will you allow your heart to be melted down before Jesus? It takes courage to admit your condition honestly before God, are you willing to be zealous and to repent?

Heal Our Land

Heal Our Land What ... What will it take for God to heal our land as laid out in 2 Chronicles 7:14? Listen to the broadcast today and find out. Are you willing to pay the cost whatever it may be?

Lord, Pull Me Through!

Lord, Pull Me Through! Using the story of Paul's imprisonment,... Using the story of Paul's imprisonment, Pastor Ray makes the case for being a Christian and then for being entirely sanctified. The Gospel is not a self-help, self-improvement program but does require a volitional submission to Jesus. Even with this awesome call, our heart cry must be, "Lord, Pull Me Through!" Share this message with your friends, families, and co-workers, and don't hold the position of King Agrippa, who accused Paul of madness, rather than surrendering his life into the hand of Jesus.

Can You Enter Heaven As You Are Today?

Can You Enter Heaven As You Are Today? Today... Today's message is one you'll need to listen and relisten to if you have an interest in being with Jesus. We must get serious in prayer and ask Jesus to avenge us of our adversary. We must be victorious over the world, flesh and devil and yes even our own hearts. We've been by the Laodicean culture that we're a part of and must cry out like the publican and get to Jesus. What will you do dear one?

Breaking the Bond of Self Deception - 2013

Breaking the Bond of Self Deception - 2013 Self-deception is a deep-rooted belief ... Self-deception is a deep-rooted belief in a lie or lies we believe. It becomes such a problem, that we can become no longer aware of the deception we've created. Pastor Ray lays out the story of King Saul and his self-deception that cost him everything. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil in your life and mine. Will you let Him break every lie you've believed, regardless of what the sin may be? The heart of Jesus is to fully set you free so that you can serve Him and serve others. Be set free as you listen to this message... "The Gospel of Jesus is recognizing that I don't have any power resident in me, that the power is in the blood of Jesus Christ and its delivering transforming power. But we have to make that transition and finally stand up and say, OK, I've been beaten enough. Devil, I'm mad, I'm angry. Until you get angry with the devil, you'r...

Unstuck! (July 2017)

Unstuck! (July 2017) At the pool of Bethesda, one man lay 38... At the pool of Bethesda, one man lay 38 years waiting to be healed. Finally, Jesus came and healed him. Afterwards, Jesus laid out four things we must do so that we can be healed and unstuck: from our sin, financial distress, ill health, and our heart cry to see sinners come to Jesus. To be unstuck is to fully enter the new covenant and walk in the Spirit. Are you stuck today, or unstuck?

Lord, Please Shelter Me Under Your Blood

Lord, Please Shelter Me Under Your Blood Pastor Ray walks us through some of the highlights of his pilgrimage over the last 30 years, with an eye toward learning to fully trust in Jesus. Although Jesus demands our full submission, it takes much longer for most of us (myself included) to fully trust Him. Listen to Pastor Ray's testimony and make the same decision that he did to yield to Jesus, to trust Jesus for provision, health and ministry (i.e. everything). Jesus wants to carry you as well, are you willing to fully trust Him and allow Him to shelter you under His blood? I kept thinking of the old hymn "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" during the broadcast today and I'll share the last verse below: I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee, Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend; And I know that Thou art with me, Wilt be with me to the end. William Kirkpatrick

Revival Is Practical

Revival Is Practical Is re... Is revival a strange gift that God occasionally pours out, without warning? Not at all. God commands us to receive the Holy Spirit--so why would he withhold it? If we position ourselves in a way that's wise for God to send revival, he will. In this way, revival is practical. First, we must realize that salvation is from sin and to righteousness, and that this is an immediate change. Sin is rebellion, and we can't obey and rebel at the same time. So, salvation requires a change from rebellion against God to submission to Jesus. Second, revival is practical in that Christians both pray and act. And what are we praying and acting for? Primarily, to be fishers men--to fulfill the Great Commission to preach the gospel and make disciples. We pray and act for the salvation of the lost! Are you in a position of submission and obedience to Jesus? If not, you are serving God...

Sin Is Selfishness

Sin Is Selfishness Pastor Ray describes sin as selfishness, or I'll do it MY way and we've also given a more formal definition below. Selfishness - exclusive or chief regard for one's own interest or happiness . The Century Dictionary Selfishness always has itself at its center (self-pleasure, pride, self-exaltation, etc.), and Pastor Ray focuses on this today. He goes through a familiar hit list in Galatians Chapter 5 and contrasts that with the fruit of the Spirit. We must die to all selfishness, but we must choose to this death. We have been just like Eve, deceived by our sin, by our utter selfishness, by our folly. What will you do today?

It Is Time to Agonize in Prayer

It Is Time to Agonize in Prayer Thank... Thank you to those who called into today's prayer meeting. Will you join us in agonizing for America and the church?


STOP RESISTING THE HOLY SPIRIT! On today's broadcast, Pastor Ray lays out the pathway we must take as Christians, something Pastor Ray calls the Romans 6 (Chapter 6) road. It's the road to crucifixion. This road to crucifixion has been blocked by our resistance to the Holy Spirit, as we have substituted other ways to salvation or have simply been sidetracked in our foolishness. Pastor Ray lays out many of those traps during today's broadcast and the word is simple and straight, the only way through is via the cross. Will you allow this message to confront your resistance to God? For one person it may their vanity or love of an emotional happy time or an intellectual understanding of the deep things of God, it doesn't matter what it is but it does matter that you are crucified with Christ. What are you going to do with Jesus, dear one, now that's what matters? http...

If It's Going To Be It's Up To Jesus!

If It's Going To Be It's Up To Jesus! Are y... Are you willing to cry out and mourn over your true heart condition before a Holy God? The truth is that our hearts must be fully exposed, so that Jesus can fully take over our lives. We can't have a separate life apart from Jesus. Thank you for those who had the courage to pray today!

Only By the Blood of Jesus

Only By the Blood of Jesus Pastor Ray uses a very painful story in... Pastor Ray uses a very painful story in the book of Judges to highlight the necessity of focusing upon the power of the blood of Jesus. He also integrates some additional passages from Colossians and Ephesians. Our only hope is in the blood of Jesus, but we must appropriate it through self-denial and submission to the Holy Spirit. " It's not until we begin to deny ourselves that God begins to step in and change what's happening. If we just cry our crocodile tears and think that God in his sentimental heart will look with mercy upon us, not a chance, God does not operate that way. " Pastor Ray during today's message

Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?

Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord? Using the story of Abram (Abraham), Pas... Using the story of Abram (Abraham), Pastor Ray describes the process of how God made him holy. It was NOT by his hard work or his hunger for God, but it was the great mercy and kindness of God. Be not deceived, all of us must ascend this hill and walk blameless before the Lord, are you willing to let Jesus do that incredible work in your heart by His blood? Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place?  He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. Psalm 24:3,4

You Shall Cross The Barren Desert

You Shall Cross The Barren Desert Our s... Our study in the Series on Moses (and the Israelites) continues with the Exodus 16. If you are in the desert and need to navigate through this desert season, then this message will be very helpful to you. Are you eating the Word of God and masticating upon it? Have you left the cave of fear and disobedience and simply have given yourself totally into the hand of Jesus?

Keep at It! (September 24, 2006)

Keep at It! (September 24, 2006) As we walk with Jesus, we must not only... As we walk with Jesus, we must not only learn his ways but become fully aware of the ways of the devil as he comes in power to discourage us, to dissuade us from seeking and following after Jesus. Have you entered into a covenant with Jesus to "keep at it" which means that I will seek His face and His righteousness with all of my heart? When the discouragement comes, I will take it to Jesus and let Jesus have the victory. Ah, my brother, my sister, I want to encourage you to lay down your normalcy bias and simply keep at it and let Jesus have His way in your heart and in your life. There is real victory in Jesus Christ!

How Do I Become a Christian? - 2015

How Do I Become a Christian? - 2015 We've put together several shorts from ... We've put together several shorts from this sermon because many of you are seeking to become Christians. Note how contrary the scriptures are to much of what is being taught in the modern church. The heart of Jesus is to totally transform you and that won't be an easy or pain-free work, but it's done by Jesus through the Holy Spirit, not by legalism. Are you willing to ask an honest question to the Holy Spirit, which is am I really a Christian and if not will you show me how to become a follower of Jesus? Be blessed as you listen along. "The only way you can access the power of God is through the promises of God because he is a covenant keeping God. The only way you can become a Christian, the only way you can be crucified, is by faith." Pastor Ray during today's message "Preach the judgment of God but preach it with mercy." Pastor David Wilkerson...

Hope For Tomorrow

Hope For Tomorrow Today... Today's message is about Lazarus and Mary and Martha but it's much more than that. The message is more about learning the ways of God and how God wants us to wait upon Him. That's our core "job". God's focus is always upon His plan and not our individual circumstances. Our solution is not to quit or give up but to learn to wait upon Him. Pastor Ray backs this up with scripture and his own testimony of God's faithfulness in his own life. Join us as Pastor Ray walks us through Psalm 27.

Do You Qualify For Heaven?

Do You Qualify For Heaven? How do we qualify for heaven, is it by being a good person or working hard or doing many good things? No, dear one, we must be crucified with Christ. Pastor Ray lays out this necessity from the scriptures today, using the story of the prodigal son and his elder brother. The only way through is through our own crucifixion, whether we totally die to this world and leave to serve our Master through thick and thin. Are you willing to be crucified with Christ, allowing full access all the way to the bottom of your soul?

Crucified with Christ???

An important summary from today's Pilgrim's Progress. The message is entitled "Do You Qualify for Heaven"?

My Great Agony of Soul

My Great Agony of Soul Pasto... Pastor Ray shares his great agony of soul today. I'm sure that you will likely identify with many of the issues raised. For example, what is holiness and what holiness is not. Our first life is service and submission to Jesus. There is much wisdom in this message that will help you, I encourage you to listen. The great agony comes out of our erroneous assumptions, which must be laid down. May you fully submit to Jesus and worship Him today...

 Leave the Antichrist Culture

 Leave the Antichrist Culture Pastor Ray lays out the anti-Christ cul... Pastor Ray lays out the anti-Christ culture and contrasts that with the true Christian culture. The problem is that these two cultures have mixed, creating a mess in the body of Christ as many think they're following Jesus when they're not. Follow along in the scriptures Pastor Ray uses, which are primarily found in the book of Matthew, today. Will you make a decision to leave the anti-Christ culture behind? Note, the video was not live, although we did record it. We'll be putting that up as soon as we can.

Only Prayer Breaks A Stubborn Heart

Only Prayer Breaks A Stubborn Heart Today... Today is our regular prayer meeting day, we invite you to join us every Friday from 1-2 PM EST, if you haven't been part of this. Pastor Ray lays out some scriptures dealing with this troublesome issue of stubbornness. Have you allowed the Holy Spirit to go all the way to the bottom of your stubbornness? There is victory over sin by the power of Jesus but we must yield ourselves to Him!

The Word Of The Lord Came To Jonah

The Word Of The Lord Came To Jonah Today's message centers around the story of Jonah, who was simply unwilling to obey the word of the Lord to his heart. After being swallowed by a large fish, the same word of the Lord came to Jonah but although He obeyed in part, his heart was not in alignment with Jesus. The problem in the western church is that we've made Jesus into something He's not, much like Jonah did. This is a very sobering message today, will you prayerfully consider it? May we lay down all of our expectations of God and allow Him to give us His heart for the lost and dying. Jonah's unwillingness to do this likely cost him eternally, will you lay down your reputation and everything that's connected to it?

Walking in Love (2015)

Walking in Love (2015) God's law tells us what we should and s... God's law tells us what we should and shouldn't do. But by itself, it has no power to subdue the spirit of rebellion that naturally rises in opposition to that law. Christ's death makes it possible for sin to be condemned instead of us. And, his resurrection opens the way for the Holy Spirit to rule over our lives. Instead of white-knuckling obedience to a written law which the natural spirit opposes, we are regenerated by the Holy Spirit. His love for us woos us and causes us to respond to him in kind and to walk in love. As we continually submit to his leading, we walk in righteousness and obey God. Thus, obedience comes through the Spirit. When we enter covenant with Jesus, as at baptism, we are deciding to submit to whatever Jesus tells us--and not to bail out, no matter how painful the journey becomes. Have you made this covenant with Jesus? Are you staying true to it? Is there an area wh...

Are You Willing To Be Of No Reputation?

Are You Willing To Be Of No Reputation? Today's opening message is an overview in a series of messages on what it means to be of no reputation (or utterly poor in Spirit). Before a man or woman can be used in the kingdom of God, He or She must be whittled down before Him. That's not an easy process, as you watch Pastor Ray walk through this. Our problem is that we will not escape the scourging hand of God that will come upon us to whittle us down, unless we try to escape in our unbelief. We all must be whittled down, and that work can only be done by Jesus and His discipline, although painful, is of pinpoint accuracy and Jesus' intent is to produce a harvest of righteousness in our life. Will you pray and ask the Holy Spirit to deal with your own heart and whether you're small enough to be useful in His hands?

The Unfinished Work

The Unfinished Work The welcome deals with the life of Jaco... The welcome deals with the life of Jacob and Sister Kathryn points out we must wrestle with God until we overcome all enmity and pride that blocks the grieving process. The focus on Pastor Ray's sermon is primarily on Jephthah's daughter, who agreed with her father that her life was over and spent time mourning over the loss of it. Have you agreed with Jesus that your life is over? Have you completed the mourning over the loss of your life into the hands of Jesus, so that He can come to work in power in your life? Know that the heart of Jesus is that you and I, through His blood, become overcomers and no longer operate as heel-grabbers.

Everybody Hurts Sometimes

Everybody Hurts Sometimes Pasto... Pastor Ray goes through the story of the blind man in John 5, who had been stricken for 38 years. Is there a hurt in your heart that only Jesus can heal? Are you willing to confess your sin and renounce it and give your life fully into the hand of Jesus? Do you want to get well?

How Real Do You Want God To Be?

How Real Do You Want God To Be? Pasto... Pastor Ray recounts his testimony where he was crucified with Christ and his life changed forever. Jesus wants to do the same for you and it will be a desert experience where you have to decide whether you will renounce your life and serve Jesus and receive only what He chooses to give you. Have you made that surrender of your will to Jesus? Isn't it time???

A House Divided - 2004

A House Divided - 2004 Are you still a house divided, and has ... Are you still a house divided, and has the strongman been bound in your life? As Pastor Ray lays out the path we must take, we all come to Jesus beat up and broken and unable to save ourselves. Are you willing to plow up any unplowed ground in your heart? Have you identified any thorns in your life and are you willing to plow them under? Are you going your own way and if so will plow it under and replace it with the word of God? Jesus will make sure that there is a crop in our lives if we're willing to have our lives plowed under and every thing contrary to Jesus removed in our hearts!

Live in Glory (Short)

This brief message summarizes the heart of Jesus to every believer. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to speak as you listen.


Live IN GLORY! On today's broadcast, Pastor Ray takes us through the story of Naboth and King Ahab. King Ahab heeded the voice of Jezebel, and the result was total devastation. We must make the same decision to heed or not heed the seducing spirits of Jezebel . If we're willing to say NO, then God will take us into His glory and power. To say it more succinctly, say no to Jezebel and yes to Jesus, regardless of what the cost may be! God will defend you, as He defended Elijah (although likely in a different way). "And once you taste living in the glory of God, you'll never go back to Jezebel. You'll never go back to Jezebel and gain your sustenance and your life from this wicked, wicked world and this wicked, wicked woman."  Pastor Ray during today's broadcast

The Storm Is Upon Us

The Storm Is Upon Us Our f... Our fourth message from the book of Revelations this week is critically important. Pastor Ray lays out the timeline that he believes is reflected in the scriptures. We are going to quickly see additional things come to pass now very quickly. The critical thing is not whether Pastor Ray is exactly correct or not but whether you and I are ready to face Jesus in the very difficult days that lie directly before us. Is your life and all that you are fully submitted to Jesus? That's the question you should ask yourself as you listen today. If not, it's time to get right with Jesus right now dear one...

Have You Had Enough Yet?

Have You Had Enough Yet? What ... What we do when we're broken down and at the end of our association with Jezebel. Make sure you have left Jezebel behind, that's always the first step. After that there's only one issue remaining, get to God and then once you hear from Him obey Him in every way that He asks of you. Are you willing to lay everything aside and get to God and get His direction, feedback and rest? The scriptures teach that if we seek Him with all of our hearts, we WILL find Him. Do IT, dear one, do it NOW. God bless you as you listen... "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours" James 5:17a

The Need for a Solemn Assembly

The Need for a Solemn Assembly Every... Every church in America needs a solemn assembly. This is a mandatory time for everyone in the church--including children--to confess corporate sin. Corporate sin includes sin as part of the church and as a nation. Murder, rape, abortion, increasing secularism, and gay marriage are the righteous judgments of God on this nation because of the unconfessed sins of the church. God intends these judgments as remedial. They indicate that God is withdrawing his restraining grace from society. They ought to drive Christians everywhere to call for solemn assemblies to repent and put away all sin. Instead, the Christian norm today is self-righteousness, self-sufficiency, pride, and failing to see a need to repent. The National Prayer Chapel was no exception. Lies like, "We haven't sinned," "We can't cut off sin," or, "Well, the Bible says things are goi...

The Love Of God Is Greater Still

The Love Of God Is Greater Still Have you experienced the love of God that draws us out of our sin and as we give ourselves to Jesus, He sets us free. It's a wonderful love story today and not a false grace but a grace that totally removes our sin. Don't be deceived by the lies of the enemy, who comes to kill, steal and destroy. Do you want to be set free today and will you ask Jesus to remove the sin in your heart? “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5b


Endurance Jesus calls us to love and trust Him th... Jesus calls us to love and trust Him through all circumstances - to endure instead of complain or grumble. It's not sin to admit difficulty - but we must choose to pray through it and not be swayed off course by it. This is how Jesus weaves himself into our lives!

Cut Off From This Life

Cut Off From This Life Find ... Find out today what it means to be cut off from this life (which means the world, the flesh and the devil). Is this the cry of your heart that you be fully given to Jesus? Pastor Ray walks us through his testimony of what Jesus is doing in his heart, and Jesus wants to do that same work in each one of us. Will you ask Him to do it in you?? "Now, usually as people in our culture and in the apostate American church, we expect to live our life as we choose. It's our life, after all. To go where we want to go, to think what we want to think. But that's not life in Christ." Pastor Ray during today's broadcast

Remember Lot's Wife (2003)

Remember Lot's Wife (2003) Why did Lot's wife look back? Jesus exp... Why did Lot's wife look back? Jesus explains that she longed to preserve her life: to have all of her expensive stuff and friendships and still escape the fire of judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. Are you, like Lot's wife, trying to get to heaven without any self-denial? Or are you sold out for Jesus?

Faith and Works!

Faith and Works! Today's radio broadcast is the encore w... Today's radio broadcast is the encore welcome and sermon from September 25 . Jesus wants to fully accomplish His purpose in our lives, but above all He wants our words and deeds to match. Decide to be on the side of Jesus, and, through quick obedience, make your words and deeds match!

Driving God From His Sanctuary

Driving God From His Sanctuary Pasto... Pastor Ray focuses on several chapters in Ezekiel highlighting the idolatry of Israel (and also us). It's a must listen and sobering message. Are you willing to be brutally honest before God about your own condition?

Scriptural Death Route Holiness

Scriptural Death Route Holiness I'm attaching a wonderful little book, ... I'm attaching a wonderful little book, and it's the most recent book I could find that laid out in detail what the Lord wants from us. It's in a PDF format. Here's a brief synopsis by the author: By the term "death-route" we mean, taking our stand against carnality and turning over every revealed carnal trait to the Holy Ghost, for its slaying. Carnal traits, however, are not crucified one at time. They are surrendered (died out to) one at a time, under the searching light of the Holy Spirit, when one is seeking a sanctified heart. Then, when the Holy Spirit strikes the death blow to one's corrupt nature, all of the carnal traits are destroyed in one master stroke of divine power. Thus, the heart is purified and made perfect in the holy love of God which is shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost (Rom. 5:5). Only dead people fully live-- dead to self and alive unt...

The Illusion of Middle Ground

The Illusion of Middle Ground Many of us have somehow believed in thi... Many of us have somehow believed in this illusory middle ground, where we don't have to be fully given to Jesus, and we don't have to serve the devil. To address this directly, it's a lie. Are you still believing that you can have one foot in the world and the other serving Jesus? It's never going to work, dear one, you can't manipulate Jesus like that. Let the Holy Spirit reveal any false belief as you listen to Pastor Ray preach about this today. Will you give yourself to Jesus and the kingdom of light, or serve the devil and the kingdom of darkness?

Ouch ! I'm Guilty!

Ouch ! I'm Guilty! Pasto... Pastor Ray begins this broadcast of deliverance in Psalm 103. He then goes to the parable of Hymie, who represents you and me as prisoners with no hope of deliverance outside of Jesus. The only way to get free is to be totally honest with Jesus and allow Him to remove all of the chains in our soul. Are you willing to tarry before God until this is completed? Join us for live prayer tomorrow from 1-2 PM?

Saved Through The Old Time Salvation

Saved Through The Old Time Salvation Pasto... Pastor Ray circles back to the testimony of G.C. Bevington's healing in his book Remarkable Miracles . Found out what the "old-time Gospel" is and ask yourself the question have you entered into this? Then Jesus told His disciples, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. Matthew 16:24 - Berean Study Bible He also lays out the three conditions for salvation. Have you met these conditions? "DEATH TO CARNAL SELF, SIMPLY MEANS THAT ALL RESISTANCE TO THE TOTAL CLAIMS OF JESUS CHRIST OVER OUR LIVES BE REMOVED FROM OUR HEARTS." Boardman, L.S.. Scriptural Death-Route Holiness