Do you live by praying in faith? Usually, a desperate need will drive a Christian to really pray. Perhaps sickness, marital problems, or the lost condition of your children burdens your soul.
It's not unusual for a Christian to encounter these kinds of "Red Sea" circumstances. At these times, you must decide, "Will I accuse God? Or will I stand by faith on the promises?" There's a process that every Christian must walk through to learn to stand upon the promises of God.
When you decide to trust God and pray, prayer changes you so that God can answer. As you become humble and focus solely on Jesus, you clear the way for Jesus to do what he was willing to do all along. Finally, you come to a place where everything seems insignificant except the salvation of the souls of men and women. This exceedingly tender but painful process is necessary to make you into an effective tool in the hand of God.
Does this describe your walk with Jesus? If not, are you willing to let Jesus teach you?
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