The Journey Out of Egypt

The Journey Out of Egypt Scrip...

Scripture References for today's broadcast: Genesis 12, Genesis 13, Genesis 14 and Genesis 15

We see two paths laid out on today's Pilgrim's Progress in the stories of Abram and Lot. Lot had no interest in leaving Egypt (i.e. the world, flesh or the devil) while Abram did but facilitated many times. The Lord worked with Abram because his desire was to walk with God was real, even though he missed it at times. The Lord rescued Lot but his deliverance was due to Abram's walk with the Lord.

So we're called to wait upon the Lord, but will we do that come what may as we wait or will we push forward out of our own self-interest as Lot did to his own destruction (even though he didn't realize that at the time)? Will you give up all of your poor "or fleshly" decisions borne out of human wisdom and wait upon the Lord for what He wants to do in your life?
