The Blood of the New Covenant (2005)

The Blood of the New Covenant (2005) After conversion, Christians are to mat...

After conversion, Christians are to mature. The writer of Hebrews speaks of this as eating "meat," or "solid food," instead of milk. A key feature of this maturity is entering the rest of God. Another is consecration and power for service. This includes answered prayers, souls saved, and Satan's kingdom destroyed. Yet another feature is a willingness to endure suffering and persecution with joy, counting it as discipline (or education) from God. We attain all this not through self-discipline, but through the blood of the new covenant.

If we do not enter this rest, we will harden our hearts. Like the children of Israel, we will die in the wilderness. But if we do enter it, we will enjoy with God a sweet love as between a husband and a wife.
