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Sanctification Can Be Lost

Sanctification Can Be Lost A Christian can lose sanctification, or... A Christian can lose sanctification, or the second work of grace. But, you may ask, wouldn't someone jealously guard such a precious gift? Often, Christians lose the blessing by refusing to testify of it. They may also lose sanctification if they allow the soul to become burdened again, or through deliberate disobedience or neglect. Usually, the loss is not sudden. Rather, it's a gradual, slow leakage of joy, liberty, and power. For example, you may lack the deep, steady peace in your heart that you used to have. Instead of freely testifying, you feel afraid. At prayer meetings or in personal witness, your tongue is paralyzed. Or, when you do testify and pray, your words lack power. Do you know the blessed peace and joy of this second work of grace? If so, do you jealously guard it? Or are you sensing it slowly leak away?

We Have Come To Pray

We Have Come To Pray Thank you for the dear ones who called in to pray today. God bless you dear ones!

The Fallacy of the Sinning Christian

The Fallacy of the Sinning Christian Pastor Ray explores how the salvation v... Pastor Ray explores how the salvation vocabulary has been changed to empty the atonement of its power to remove sin in the here and now based in part of the work of a dear brother Malcolm Lavender author of " The Fallacy of the Sinning Christian " . Could this terminology be preparing those who are deceived by it to take the mark of the beast? These are the lies that our Lord said would, if it were possible, deceive even the very elect. Anything that minimizes the power of the blood of Jesus, and the assurance in our hearts of that power, is of darkness. Because the true gospel gives us victory over all sin, even though we are not saved by works. The single greatest issue facing the American church is the denial that we can live without sin while in this body. This grand delusion must be broken before revival will come to this land. Will you come to a crisis moment, recognizing that yo...

Eli's Modern Church

Eli's Modern Church Pastor Ray opens with a brief expla... Pastor Ray opens with a brief explanation of the life of Girolamo Savonarola, who prophetically warned the people in his time of an impending judgment. We're at the same place in time. Do you have eyes to see? He compares this to the life of Eli, and the judgment that fell upon his house and the nation of Israel due to their wickedness.

This World Is Not My Home

This World Is Not My Home Pasto... Pastor Ray continues with the study of Hebrews. Jesus wants to take us with Him on our journey and He alone will be the pilot of your life and mine (i.e. Jesus will never be your co-pilot). Have you made this transition to the agenda of Jesus or have you attempted to add Jesus into "your life?"    It's time for the independent life to be given up to Jesus, so that His agenda can be fulfilled in your life and mine.

Two Sins That Are Destroying The Church

Two Sins That Are Destroying The Church Pastor Ray lays out the two sins th... Pastor Ray lays out the two sins that are destroying the American church, as well as the church in many areas of the world. It's the same sins that Jeremiah identified, will you take this message to heart and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your heart to yourself. We walk in such dangerous self-deception, as did the church in Jeremiah's day.