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The Divine Influence of Grace (2009)

The Divine Influence of Grace (2009) How have you reacted to this divine inf... How have you reacted to this divine influence of grace in your life? Have you attempted to hide yourself or your sin or have you honestly dealt with it before a holy God. Know that everything in the kingdom of God is initiated by Him. There is no such thing as self-help in the kingdom of God. Do you know that today is the day of salvation and will you avail yourself of God's mercy today? Do you hear the call to fully enter into the house of God and leave AI (representing our sin) behind? Have you quit all of your childish ways? When we were children, we thought and reasoned as children do. But when we grew up, we quit our childish ways (emphasis added). ! Corinthians 13:11 Contemporary English Version Bible

If You Believe You Will See God's Glory

If You Believe You Will See God's Glory Our s... Our study continues from the book of John today as Pastor Ray goes back to finish the story of Lazarus. Do you see that Jesus is telling you the same thing he told Mary and Martha after the death of Lazarus, will you believe Him? Where do you stand today with Jesus, are you alive in Jesus and is Jesus alive in you? God is NOT dependent upon your faith or mine, as demonstrated in what Jesus did as He raised Lazarus! Pastor Ray closes the broadcast with a discussion of Psalm 91.

What Must I Do to Be Saved?

What Must I Do to Be Saved? In this sobering message, Pastor Ray id... In this sobering message, Pastor Ray identifies that salvation consists in a state of mind that is supremely happy in (and resigned to) God's will. To be saved, we must recognize that we've stolen ourselves from God, return to Him, and make restitution to all we've injured. Doubtful actions will block us from hearing the Holy Spirit, sear our hearts, dull our fear of God, and ultimately ruin our souls. Is Christ's yoke an iron collar of duty to you, or is your delight in the will of God? Where's your heart with Jesus today as you listen to the sermon? Welcome message by Sister Michelle

Determined to Be a Doulos of Jesus

Determined to Be a Doulos of Jesus The d... The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ provides for a full reclamation of the human race from sin right now . In Christ, we are restored to the holy and blameless condition of Adam and Eve in the garden. The only reason the world is still in such a miserable condition is because sinners refuse to repent and believe in the full and present salvation of Christ. Beloved, it is time to cast out your love of sin and unbelief and to walk in holiness!

I Will Not Go Out Free

I Will Not Go Out Free Pasto... Pastor Ray digs deeper into the book " Coals of Fire " by G.D. Watson and would encourage you to intently listen. What will you do when you discover that following Jesus won't make you "somebody" and will you make the choice to simply be the love slave of Jesus, come what may in your life? That's the real litmus test of being a Christian or being under the law... Are you willing to fully volunteer  or unconditionally surrender everything, including your will, into the hand of Jesus for the rest of your days?

A Non-Homogenized Gospel! (May 1, 2012)

A Non-Homogenized Gospel! (May 1, 2012) Today... Today's title tells it all. Pastor Ray presents a clear, straight presentation of the Gospel that is not homogenized with the wickedness of our culture or the age in which we live. Listen to the good news and make a decision to follow Jesus today!

The Foundation of Christian Living (2014)

The Foundation of Christian Living (2014) In today's encore message, Pastor Ray p... In today's encore message, Pastor Ray preaches from the book of Ephesians. The message focuses on the foundation which must be laid in our lives. How do we grow up in Jesus or how do we make progress in Jesus? To answer that question, Pastor Ray asked a couple of questions " Are you willing to allow Jesus Christ to rule over your life? Are you willing to allow Him full control over your life? " Have you entered into a covenant relationship where your life now belongs totally to Jesus? If you're looking for a deeper life in Jesus, listen closely to today's message. It's simple and straightforward.