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Showing posts from December, 2023

Forgiveness and Repentance

Forgiveness and Repentance Listen to Pastor's Ray message as h... Listen to Pastor's Ray message as he talks about forgiveness and repentance. He lays out the three revelations needed in order to walk with Jesus in forgiveness and repentance. Do you see the great need of forgiveness and repentance in your life?

Breaking the Bond of Self Deception - 2013

Breaking the Bond of Self Deception - 2013 Self-deception is a deep-rooted belief ... Self-deception is a deep-rooted belief in a lie or lies we believe. It becomes such a problem, that we can become no longer aware of the deception we've created. Pastor Ray lays out the story of King Saul and his self-deception that cost him everything. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil in your life and mine. Will you let Him break every lie you've believed, regardless of what the sin may be? The heart of Jesus is to fully set you free so that you can serve Him and serve others. Be set free as you listen to this message... "The Gospel of Jesus is recognizing that I don't have any power resident in me, that the power is in the blood of Jesus Christ and its delivering transforming power. But we have to make that transition and finally stand up and say, OK, I've been beaten enough. Devil, I'm mad, I'm angry. Until you get angry with the devil, you'r...

Blind to Reality

Blind to Reality Are y... Are you aware of the death sentence against you? If you're blind to this reality you need the gospel and we encourage you to listen and ask the Holy Spirit to quicken today's message to your heart.

New Beginning of Obedience to God

New Beginning of Obedience to God Pastor Ray uncovers the lie of the "fin... Pastor Ray uncovers the lie of the "finished work" doctrine and lays out a scriptural basis for union with Jesus. Are you ready for a new beginning of obedience to Jesus? Listen closely to the message.

Facing the Giants

Facing the Giants The E... The Elijah series continues and we must face the giants as he did, not to be all he could be but for the kingdom of God. We must let go of all that is false or worldly and hold onto Jesus. Have you made the decision to face the giants come what may in your life?

Established in Love - 2006

Established in Love - 2006 This is a very unique message today wea... This is a very unique message today weaving together some seemingly unrelated scriptures. We pray that this will be beneficial to you in your walk with Jesus! Find out today what it means to be established in love. That will require an uncovering of all the lies we've believed about God and perhaps about ourselves. May the Holy Spirit quicken this word to your heart and allow the liquid love of God to penetrate your heart. Have all the lies you've believed about God been broken in your heart or do you think He's trying to take, rather than trying to give Himself to us?

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare We're providing an extra treat to you i... We're providing an extra treat to you in the form of a Saturday classic from our dear brother Malcolm Lavender (author of the Lavender New Testament with his dear son Russ) from a message he preached in 2009. The introductory song, Nothing Between , is by his grandson, Joshua Lavender. Be blessed to stand against the powers of darkness and don't give ground as the battle belongs to the Lord! Jesus has already won the battle, so we stand with Him live or die...

The House of God

The House of God Using the story of the paralytic, which... Using the story of the paralytic, which is present is in the synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke, Pastor Ray explains that the kingdom of God has come! The kingdom of God means the ruling authority of God. No sin has the power to stand against the blood of Jesus! Is there part of your life where you are still paralyzed? If so, Jesus wants to set you free where He removes the sin and makes you righteous. You'll have to listen for the hidden promise in John 14, but I assure you it's worth the listen. Glory be to Jesus, the one with power and authority over all the works of the devil!

O Lord, My Strength

O Lord, My Strength Have ... Have you determined to leave all moral uncleanness and have the carnal nature totally removed? If you have, and Jesus is now the owner of your life, you must continue to humbly look into Jesus and allow him to expose your heart as it really is. We must do this to be saved. Are you willing to take that time in the prayer closet to really get to know Jesus? Will you repent and allow the divine strength of Jesus Christ to make you holy?

A Peaceful Soul

A Peaceful Soul Pastor Ray continues the study of the book of Matthew and goes through the end of Chapter 9, along with Chapters 10 and 11. Where does peace in our hearts from? Is it in the things of this world or is it in service to Jesus? Do you need to find your peace in Jesus today? If your answer is yes, you'll be surprised by the scriptures today and its clarity. Find out the key as you listen along.

God Says What He Means

God Says What He Means Find ... Find out today how you can be set free from all of your sin. It's starting to see the lies we have believed in the modern church. Today is your day for deliverance dear one! Death can never save you, only Jesus can! To be made holy is something that's always shown in the scriptures in the present tense. May the Holy Spirit destroy all of the works of the devil in your heart, including all of the lies that most of us have believed. There is total and tangible victory over the power of sin and darkness through the blood of Jesus Christ! You may need to listen to this message more than once to fully grab a hold of it.

God’s Stronghold

God’s Stronghold The phone lines jammed in this broadcas... The phone lines jammed in this broadcast as listeners recognized their need for prayer. Pastor Ray’s explanation of Psalm 27 and Psalm 84 illustrates our need to pray first for our own salvation and then for others’ salvation. In this, God promises to be our stronghold. God’s stronghold is both a place of protection from the enemy and intercession for others. If you didn’t get to call in today, please call tomorrow from 1-2 PM EST and Pastor Ray will pray with you! (877) 534-0780.

Christ In You

Christ In You Pastor Ray continues the book of the Colossians with a focus on the Scripture, "Christ in you, the hope of glory."

Don't lose your focus

Don't lose your focus Where is the focus of your life (i.... Where is the focus of your life (i.e. your time, energy, everything) is it on Jesus or on something else? That's the question we must ask as we listen along. Pastor Ray lays out what an alive church looks like. The real meat of the message is on the life of Simon and that is distinguished by what Jesus is after in us. Are you full of yourself as Simon was or is your heart full of the fruit of the Spirit? Have you been transformed into the likeness of Jesus and have you been crucified to the world?

Deliverance Only From The Hand Of God

Deliverance Only From The Hand Of God Pasto... Pastor Ray continues the story of Gideon today and his call to battle. That's now the call of every Christian against the deluge of wickedness. We're called to walk into this battle with a spirit of love, the spirit of Jesus.

Ten Shekels and a Shirt -1965

Ten Shekels and a Shirt -1965 Today's encore sermon from Paris Reidhe... Today's encore sermon from Paris Reidhead, a local pastor until his death, is a most powerful uncovering of humanism, which has become so widespread in the western church that it is widely accepted. Note that there is both a conservative and a liberal form of humanism, both of which result in the deifying of man and consequently withholding of the glory of God. We must recognize this grievous sin and repent. Is God a means to an end or is He an end to you? Much of the church is involved in self-worship and this must come to an end by the power of the blood of Jesus. Allow the conviction of the Holy Spirit to come upon you as you listen to this message. We thank our dear brothers and sisters at Paris Reidhead Ministries, who have given us permission to air and post this sermon, which was lightly edited to fit the time allotted on the broadcast. We invite you to visit their website below. Pa...

Prepare Now For Service - 2016

Prepare Now For Service - 2016 Here the call of the Holy Spirit to be ... Here the call of the Holy Spirit to be fully given for the salvation of the lost and dying. That's going to require the giving up of your life, are you willing to say Yes, whatever the cost may be?

Report the Sweet Miracle!

Report the Sweet Miracle! Pasto... Pastor Ray walks us through the third hearken in Isaiah 51 and what a glorious place it is. Are you willing to enter into and report or witness this sweet miracle of grace in your heart? Know then that persecution will come, just as Jesus said it would it in the Sermon on the Mount. Pastor quickly walks us through the stepping stones of the Sermon on the Mount today.

God's Name God's Kingdom God's Will - 2013

God's Name God's Kingdom God's Will - 2013 God alone is in control of all things. ... God alone is in control of all things. Have you given up control of your life to Jesus Christ? Listen closely to this powerful message, featuring the Beatitudes and set your heart to be fully yielded to God. He is the mighty one, not you or I.

How to Pray for Revival

How to Pray for Revival So yo... So you want revival--but how do you pray for it? Will, "Lord, send revival," work? You may start there, but you won't get very far until you get specific. This broadcast lays out very specific, practical instructions on how to pray for revival. As is often the case, you first need to repent for your cold heart and lack of prayer for the lost. Renounce any lies that you've believed, including, "Conversion is gradual," "So-and-so isn't ready yet," or "If I just love them, then they'll see Jesus in me and ask questions." These lies chill the heart and block agony for the lost. Next, as you're led by the Spirit, begin to deeply think about a particular person's sins. Consider the individual's guilt. How does he or she offend God by his or her sin? This will lead to a consideration of the person's danger--namely...

Walking in the Light as a Son

Walking in the Light as a Son In th... In the midst of the trials and troubles, the Holy Spirit is calling us to walk in the light as sons. There's a much deeper place where God is calling us into sonship, do you hear the call today?

A Homeless Place Until Jesus Comes Down

A Homeless Place Until Jesus Comes Down We ar... We are standing by faith that the Holy Spirit will move in your heart to meet the remaining radio bill of $2600. You can do that by coming to our homepage and selecting PayPal or writing to us at: The National Prayer Chapel, PO Box 2346, Woodbridge VA 22195. We simply ask. that you would obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit Pastor Ray lays out the three steps that a Christian must walk through  (and these same three words apply to the church). Have you walked through these steps?


Broken Pasto... Pastor Ray continues with his testimony and uses a story by G.C. Bevington to further provide a basis for what God is after in Pastor Ray and you and me. You realize that by reading this, this message applies to you (and me) as well. Will you ask God to humble your heart if He determines that you need it? God only uses humble men and women for the work in His kingdom. We must be crushed to remove all self-confidence and all remains of secular humanism in our souls. Please listen and be encouraged to trust Jesus to prepare you for His service!

The Word Shall Go Forth - 2015

The Word Shall Go Forth - 2015 Today... Today's replay of the 2015 series on fatalism continues today. As we've seen from all of the stories this week, coming against fatalism requires a battle as satan pushes us toward passivity in whatever way possible. Today's story of David Green and his family is no exception. Make the determination in your heart to be given and used in this great battle, the time of great darkness is upon us.

Yoked with Christ

Yoked with Christ "Come... "Come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you...for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Jesus spoke these words. Though they're poetic, they raise some questions. How can I rest if I'm working? What kind of work will make my soul rest? What does it mean to be yoked with Christ? Jesus' yoke is singular. His whole work is the redemption of mankind from sin and hell. Jesus said, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." To take up the yoke of Jesus is to enter this work of saving others. We can't separate our own personal holiness and salvation from soul-winning. Though exhausting physically, this work brings rest to the soul. Joy and peace fills the heart engaged in evangelism. If America is going to experience revival, Christians must experience revival. Simply, revival is a new...


LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES Today... Today's must-listen message is very sobering. Listen closely to the prophetic parallel between today's story from the book of Exodus and what's going on in America today! Our culture is overwhelmed a flood of lies directly impacting every facet of our lives. Do you see the compromisers on every hand who seek to destroy everything? It's time to awaken, repent and seek Jesus with all of our hearts and cast off all of the lies we've believed.

Can You Stand Or Should I Say IT'S OVER?

Can You Stand Or Should I Say IT'S OVER? We're... We're at the beginning of God's judgments upon the earth and you must decide to rest in Jesus or to be swept away. Have you made that covenant to belong to King Jesus and have you laid everything down before Him? Listen to the message and make it clear in your heart that you belong to Jesus or not. It's a sobering time, are you ready?

The Fight Of My Life

The Fight Of My Life Pastor Ray lays out "Why the Fight ... Pastor Ray lays out "Why the Fight is On" in concrete and simple words, as well as scriptures. The question is are you in this fight for the kingdom of God and is evidenced by the sacrificial life you live for Jesus?

The First Step of Prayer

The First Step of Prayer Jesus... Jesus taught us to pray after the model of "Our Father." But the first step of prayer is to not harden our heart. For example, pain, fear, and anger can lead us to say, "It's hopeless! I'm just going to cave to my circumstances and depression." But why? We serve a God who answers prayer! As we pray, we see that God is not subject to earthly things. If our way is blocked, God's way is not blocked. Then, we can ask for God to turn on the generator in our lives. If your prayers aren't answered today, do not be discouraged. So long as you wait on God with a tender heart, he will bring his verdict!

The Writing Is On The Wall

The Writing Is On The Wall Pasto... Pastor Ray recounts the story in Daniel Chapter 5 of King Belshazzar, Nebuchadnezzar's son when judgment came upon his kingdom. Do you see the handwriting on the wall for America? In fact, if you look closely you'll see that judgment has already come upon much of the church. Has your love for Jesus grown cold? Are you prepared for the dark days ahead and will you do whatever the Holy Spirit asks you to do? Have you entered into a covenant walk with Jesus?

Cry Out To Jesus Now!

Cry Out To Jesus Now! Thank... Thank you for the dear saints who called in to pray today. God bless you ALL, whether you prayed or not! We need to cry out to Jesus because that's when Jesus will answer us.

In Christ Alone

In Christ Alone The Holy Spirit interrupted the mes... The Holy Spirit interrupted the message Pastor Ray had planned and he uncovers the lie of the finished work on one side and legalism on the other. Jesus has a glorious plan of redemption for you and I but we must be crucified with Him. The transcript of the message will be available on the website, probably tomorrow (it's an automated process). We're also going to be re-airing this message the next couple of days because of us, (probably me much more almost all of you), because it takes some time for this to sink in to our spirit. Will you let Jesus finish this work in your heart as you yield yourself totally to Him?

Show Me The Real Power

Show Me The Real Power Pastor Ray lays out how Jesus manifests His power and contrasts that with the wickedness of worldly power, which is all about influence and control and domination. Please listen to this message if you need healing from Jesus. He wants to heal your soul inside and out, if you will only let Him and if you will give up control of your life to Him. You are the God who works wonders; You display Your strength among the peoples. Psalm 77:14 - Berean Study Bible

The Secret Gift of God the Father

The Secret Gift of God the Father The m... The most wonderful gift that God can gift to us is the gift of forgiveness, where our hearts are purified from all sin. He births righteousness in us but it requires that we allow Him to hollow us out as we give everything over to Him. No gift compares to Jesus dying on the cross but he has given us another gift as well, which is His intimacy, as we allow Him to remove the wickedness from our hearts.

The Ugliness Of Starvation Coming To America

The Ugliness Of Starvation Coming To America Pasto... Pastor Ray walks us through a clear picture of what happens to a people when they turn from the living God. First, there is a famine of the word of Lord and if that is not followed quickly with repentance then judgment from the Almighty comes. We're headed directed into this judgment at an alarming rate and have been experiencing this famine of the word of the Lord for years. This startling revelation should propel you into your prayer closet. Judgment always follows unrepentant sin and we've introduced Christian "doublethink" into our vocabularies, meaning that we can be in sin and in Jesus at the same time. The story in 2 Kings 6 is being reenacted in our day and we will experience the same results, unless we quickly get honest with Jesus and turn from all of our wicked ways. What will you do dear one, will you be one of the four lepers? ...

For Jesus, Salvation is a Very Personal Thing - 2013

For Jesus, Salvation is a Very Personal Thing - 2013 Pastor Ray begins this sermon by laying... Pastor Ray begins this sermon by laying a foundation of what is personal versus non-personal or mechanical. Everything in this walk with Jesus requires action (i.e. is personal), even waiting on God requires action. Note the differences between this and passivity? Are you a spectator in the body of Christ? Do you just show up on Sunday? Passivity equates to a loss of saltiness. He goes on to address the sin of adultery/fornication from the Sermon on the Mount because it's simply using another to get what we want. He goes from there to Ephesians Chapter 5 and calls us to submit to one another out of love. Be blessed as you listen!

Walk in the Light of Jesus!

Walk in the Light of Jesus! Sister Kathryn, following John 1, talks... Sister Kathryn, following John 1, talks about walking in the light of Jesus. We must choose to walk in the glorious light of Jesus or walk in the darkness of the devil. It's a continuous choice that we must make.

A Christmas Gift From Jesus

A Christmas Gift From Jesus Pastor Ray goes through a story of deli... Pastor Ray goes through a story of deliverance of a hopeless case in Chattanooga. Are you a hopeless case and need deliverance from Jesus? If you're willing to repent of your sin and give yourself to Jesus, He will deliver you! "I come and speak a straight, honest word of God to your heart, about Jesus saving you from your sin. To me, that's what Christmas is all about." Pastor Ray during today's message

Make Room in My Heart to Pray!

Make Room in My Heart to Pray! Pasto... Pastor Ray continues to dig deeper into the Sermon on the Mount, will you let Jesus go all the way to the bottom in your heart? He goes to the practical implications of obeying what Jesus tells us to do? We have to forgive others and love our enemies in a real, substantive way. Jesus wants to clear all of the clutter from our hearts so we can freely pray. Are you willing to lay the necessary groundwork for Jesus to answer the cries of your heart?

The Entrance Into the Kingdom of God

The Entrance Into the Kingdom of God In this powerful 2008 sermon, Pastor Ra... In this powerful 2008 sermon, Pastor Ray asks the question have you allowed Jesus to clean you up or have you backslidden or perhaps you've never been born from above? Pastor Ray takes us to a familiar passage in Matthew Chapter 7. What is the narrow gate? Is it a doctrinal issue or it about our behavior? Do you have the well of the Holy Spirit flowing in your heart?

You Must Be Born Again! (2015)

You Must Be Born Again! (2015) Have you truly been born again or have ... Have you truly been born again or have you simply been spray painted with the whitewashing of religion? Allow the Holy Spirit to show you the true condition of your heart as today is the day of salvation. If you've been born again, rejoice in the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ and pray for those who surround you who are lost and dying in their sin.

The Secret to Spiritual Power

The Secret to Spiritual Power The pivotal point on which the spiritua... The pivotal point on which the spiritual power of God turns is our willingness to lie in the dust in apparent failure. Like Esther, who said, "If I perish, I perish," we succeed with God when we commit to obey Him even if it means we die. Jesus called this "pruning" and promised we would bear fruit. Have you consciously and painfully consented to apparent failure for the sake of Jesus? Are you believing God for revival power now?

Entering into the Kingdom of God

Entering into the Kingdom of God Despi... Despite the popular perception, it is NOT easy into the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is the authority of God, which He wishes to exercise in our lives. We must overcome the devil’s power and allow God to fully restore us. God’s grace enable us to say no to ungodliness. Will you allow Jesus to make you an overcomer by His blood?

Sacrifice Your Life for Life

Sacrifice Your Life for Life In th... In this broadcast, Pastor Ray discusses the foundation of Christian perfection as laid out by John Wesley. In what sense are Christians perfect and not made perfect? In addition, Pastor Ray provides another story from the " They Knew Their God " series (see the top of the home page) using the life of Iva Durham Vennard. Listen to how the Holy Spirit created an intense heart cry for holiness in this dear sister's heart and may her heart's cry become your own, as the Holy Spirit transforms you.

The Strong Die Out Hard

The Strong Die Out Hard What ... What do we need to do to prepare the way of the Lord? Pastor Ray recounts the testimony of some family members, in particular his grandfather. Are you too strong to be a Christian or are you willing to humble your heart to Jesus and those around you? Do you see the great necessity to die out to yourself? Are you willing to allow God to break your strength so that you can boast in your weakness? Join us in agreement and let Jesus have His way!

Be Wise and Surrender to Jesus

Be Wise and Surrender to Jesus As you hear Pastor Ray tell the story o... As you hear Pastor Ray tell the story of the wise man, hear the call of the Holy Spirit to be fully given to Jesus. Are you willing to put everything, including yourself, in the fire?

The Raging River Of Deception

The Raging River Of Deception Pasto... Pastor Ray comes back to Romans this week with an intense focus upon Romans 8. He talks about condemnation that comes when we're not fully given to Jesus (Romans 8:1) but rather upon the self-life, which includes a laundry list of things that focus on our comfort, our ambitions, our wants, our needs, our you can fill-in-the-blank. The road to Jesus begins with a great distress over our self life because we say one thing but our life screams out something else. Let us not run from this wonderful gift of conviction but rather tell Jesus about it and turn from our wicked ways.. Everything must be given once for all to Jesus lest we be deceived by this raging river of deception. Are you willing to be honest with Jesus about your life and whether you still own your life or not and are you willing to give up your life to Jesus come what may? If not now, when? https://nat...

Principles of Revival - Part 3

Principles of Revival - Part 3 Today's message is Part 3 of this wonde... Today's message is Part 3 of this wonderful message given by Pastor Edward Miller of the Argentine Revival. In the message, he gives many accounts of God moving in great power, following by some intense praise and worship. Are you trusting God to bring revival to Washington D.C., regardless of what it looks like? Be blessed today as you listen!

The Way Up Is the Way Down

The Way Up Is the Way Down The l... The lie of declared righteousness typifies the lukewarm, modern-day Laodicean church in America. However, our risen Lord makes it very clear that only those who are truly righteous, and have left wickedness, will have the right to drink of the water of life. We must cut off those things in our life that allow us to be comforted in our sin. Only then will we enter into the desert, where we learn to depend on Jesus as our only source of life. The book of Revelation outlines a three-step process by which we can leave our lukewarm state, repent, and be saved!

God's Humility

God's Humility Pastor Ray looks at the Christian story... Pastor Ray looks at the Christian story through the lens of God's humility. May it be an encouragement to you to lower yourself in whatever way Jesus is calling you to do so. Are you willing to humble yourself before the King Jesus, whose humility is beyond comprehension.