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Showing posts from July, 2023

How Big Is Your Jesus? (February 2017)

How Big Is Your Jesus? (February 2017) Your answer to the above question will ... Your answer to the above question will not have any bearing on how big Jesus really is, but it will reveal the condition of your own heart. If you respond to the light of Jesus with eagerness, and offer everything to him, Jesus will appear very large. If Jesus seems small to you, and you've shirked away from the light you have, you are agreeing with darkness. God isn't grading on a curve. The only way to enter heaven is by total acceptance of the light and being transformed into the likeness of Jesus. Have you cherished the gospel of Jesus Christ, or is it just an add-on to your already full life?

You Must Turn Around

You Must Turn Around In this modern age, we've blended the culture in with the church to where many are unfamiliar with what it means to turn around . There are so many idols because our hearts are easily dulled and we oftentimes fail to see the cause/effect relationship between what we do and the resulting dullness in our hearts. What does it mean to turn around? Listen as Pastor Ray makes it clear and plain. Are you a lamb or a wolf, as demonstrated not by your words, but your deeds? Are you ready to turn around? Pastor Ray finishes the broadcast by going to Galatians, which contains a hit list of what God wants from us and what we must forego.

The Journey of Faith

The Journey of Faith Today's welcome and sermon are integrat... Today's welcome and sermon are integrated, and the welcome focuses upon what it means to take the Lord's name in vain. Using the life of Abraham, primarily from the account in the book of Genesis, Pastor Ray walks us through this journey of faith that he took and we must also make it if wish to make it to heaven.  Listen to the story and God's amazing patience and long-suffering with Abraham, we oftentimes refer to as the hero of the faith.

Lacking Nothing at All!

Lacking Nothing at All! Today... Today's broadcast is the first in a series on the book of James. If you listened to Sunday's sermon from James 1, please listen to this as well. Pastor James message focuses upon becoming mature in Jesus, so open your heart and mind to today's message.

No More Religious Talk

No More Religious Talk Pasto... Pastor Ray calls us to reexamine our repentance, is it a real repentance or merely an ego-based repentance, meaning that we repented primarily because we expected some type of quid pro quo. It's time to go the bottom, are you willing to do that today at the call of the Holy Spirit?

3 Reasons Jesus Closed The American Church

3 Reasons Jesus Closed The American Church Liste... Listen closely to the message today and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you if you need to repent. Most of us need to honestly repent. The Holy Spirit through Pastor Ray lays out the biblical basis for why the American church has largely been shut down. It's a heart rendering sermon and you may be like me and need to listen to it more than once to grab a hold of it.

Set Apart For Jesus!?

Set Apart For Jesus!? In today's broadcast, Pastor Ray di... In today's broadcast, Pastor Ray distinguishes between being set apart for Jesus versus being set apart to be all we can be using a very familiar story in the Old Testament. Jesus calls us to separate ourselves to Him and for Him, listen to the broadcast today and ask the Holy Spirit to show you if you're truly set apart for Him. If you're not there, then heed the call of the Holy Spirit and say Yes!

A Prepared Salvation

A Prepared Salvation Focus... Focusing on the parable of the prodigal son, this continuation in the study of Charles Finney's book God's Call sets in terrifying relief the true condition of sinners as thieves and liars towards God. Like the prodigal, we must come to our senses and see that we've lived in a pretend world that says, "I own my life. I can choose what I do. I decide whether, and how much, I will give to God and obey him." In reality, everything belongs to Jesus, and anyone who walks otherwise is a thief and a liar. The gospel allows no compromise on this point--we will not enter heaven unless we are saved from all sin now!

At the Crossroad of Suffering - 2014

At the Crossroad of Suffering - 2014 Listen to this message chalked full of ... Listen to this message chalked full of scriptures and focusing upon being born from above. Have you made this decision to go this crossroad of suffering and to trust Jesus to bring you through with total victory over sin? Jesus has made provision available to you, will you say yes, regardless of the costs? Count the cost of following Jesus dear one and say yes and mean it! "Now the great battle that every man and every woman faces is the battle you face from within your own heart. What will you do, with the wickedness of your own heart?" Pastor Ray during today's message

The Trigger That Causes God's Absence (2008)

The Trigger That Causes God's Absence (2008) In this encore sermon, Pastor Ray lays ... In this encore sermon, Pastor Ray lays out the key to walking with Jesus. If you've been struggling in any way, today's message is for you!

Do You Understand, God Matters

Do You Understand, God Matters All week Pastor Ray has been preaching "Get to God" because "God matters." He's been going through the first part of 1st Samuel, and talks through the word of the Lord which came to Samuel pronouncing judgment against Eli, the chief priest and his family, as well as the nation. He parallels this judgment against Eli and Israel to what America is facing, judgment for wickedness. Consider this sharp word and get right with Jesus today! It's time to take the word of God seriously while there is time...

Shaped By The Cross, Arthur Blessitt

Shaped By The Cross, Arthur Blessitt Pasto... Pastor Ray shares the awesome testimony of Arthur Blessitt followed by much of his own personal testimony. Brother Blessitt is still carrying the cross of Jesus and you can follow him on his website .  Are you taking up your cross and following after Jesus, as the Holy Spirit calls you to do? Have you allowed the cross to shape you into a gentle humble soul, full of the love of Jesus (and crucified with Christ)?

A Barren Heart

A Barren Heart This is the story of the barrenness of Hannah (mother of Samuel) but not just about Hannah, it applies to you and me. Do you know why God brings barrenness and what the prescription is for this severe malady? Has God brought barrenness to your life for some specific reason? We may choose to avoid the issue or rebel against it but that will only prolong and intensify the barrenness. Listen to the full message to more clearly understand the message. Are you willing to get to God and to give him what he desires in your life?

Behind the Scenes of the Temptations (March 2017)

Behind the Scenes of the Temptations (March 2017) Sister Kathryn opens the welcome with t... Sister Kathryn opens the welcome with two questions: Do you want to walk free of sin? and, Do you want Jesus to answer your prayers? Pastor Ray then plunges into an urgent call for an utter consecration to and reliance on Jesus Christ and our desperate need for the Pentecost power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ ministry would have failed without the power of the Holy Spirit, and we can expect the same result. We cannot and will not touch America without the Holy Spirit! Will you sell out totally not only for Jesus, but for the lifework of the Gospel?

The Power Of Crying Out To God

The Power Of Crying Out To God On today's Pilgrim's Progress, Pastor Ray lays out the story of deliverance of King Hezekiah in the book of Isaiah. God provided an incredible deliverance to them against the devil and his minions and answered the cries of King Hezekiah and his people. That's the glorious part of this story. There is also a strong warning in the last part of this story against pride and the subsequent backsliding of one of the most righteous kings in Israel or Judah. We see the backsliding of King Hezekiah and the consequences for his sin, after his life was extended by God. He birthed the most wicked king, and led the children of Israel in a downward spiral. We must beware of the wicked snare of pride to be somebody.

Settled in Your Heart

Settled in Your Heart Have ... Have you settled in your heart that you're done with sin and are sold out to Jesus Christ? Jesus' power and heart are to immediately free you from all sin--forever. The conversions in the book of Acts, and the teaching in Romans 6, prominently proclaim this awesome message of immediate, total deliverance! Is total freedom in Jesus your present experience? If not, you have nowhere else to look but the stubbornness of your own heart. You don't have to stay in your miserable condition one more minute. The blood of Jesus is here to set you free!

When All Hope Is Gone

When All Hope Is Gone On today's broadcast, Pastor Ray lays out the story of someone who had lost all hope. Where do we turn we can't deliver ourselves or someone we love? There's only one who can deliver, his name is Jesus. This is the story of Naaman, the Syrian commander. Pastor Ray also shares his testimony and he is taking the same position as Naaman, trusting in the God of heaven to bring healing. Will you go down and pray through until you get clean and get an answer from God for whatever the crisis you are facing in your life?

The Plain Truth about Sin

The Plain Truth about Sin "We k... "We know that any one born of God does not sin" (1 John 5:18a, RSV) . Is there any plainer way to say it? The truth about sin is that it leads to death. But, the good news is that by faith in Jesus, you can stop sinning and receive eternal life. Your salvation absolutely depends on this. You will not be able to enter heaven in the next life unless you are holy in this life. The modern church's teaching that says, "You're always going to sin until you die" flies in the face of Scripture. A walk through Romans, 1 John, and Ephesians overturns the gnostic, heretical fallacy of the sinning Christian. Just as God forgives your past sins by faith, he empowers you to stop sinning and walk clean by faith. Today, God wants to make you a new person--not through struggle and hard work, but by believing! Will you repent, give yourself entirely to Jesus,...

Getting Ready For The Coming King

Getting Ready For The Coming King After... After some introductory remarks, Pastor Ray read some from Frank Bartleman's book " How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles ." He goes on to Romans 6 and asks the question is whether the body of sin has been done with (or destroyed in the Greek). Have you truly been crucified with Christ or is self alive and well? Are you willing that Jesus goes all the way to the bottom in your soul? The natural man must be crucified with Jesus. Are you willing to seek after Jesus with all of your heart?

A New Beginning of Obedience to God

A New Beginning of Obedience to God A per... A person who looks into Jesus' face, and sees the hardness and arrogance of his own heart, will respond with strong feelings and pained weeping. Once this sin is exposed, it cannot be covered; it must be removed by Jesus. Looking into theology, being distracted, or believing that when God looks at you he sees Jesus, will comfort the heart in its sin so that it doesn't have to go through the pain of considering its real condition and what it means to be obedient to Jesus. Do you weep over sin--either your own, or the sin of others? Did you once have warm feelings that have now grown cold? Or have you never experienced this? If you're not walking right with Jesus, will you let today be a new beginning of obedience to God?

An END to Self Absorption - 2004

An END to Self Absorption - 2004 Much, if not most of the modern church ... Much, if not most of the modern church has integrated the American culture in with the scriptures to where the church looks much more like the world, the flesh and the devil, instead of Jesus Christ. That's a very sad travesty, so what are we to do? We must allow the Holy Spirit to uncover our self-absorption, which will be very humbling and painful and begin to repent and ask Jesus to change us. Listen to this message with a honest heart and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your heart. It's easy to be hard on others but soft on ourselves. Are you willing to ask Jesus to remove all self-absorption in your heart? If you're willing to be honest, this message will help you immensely while if you're unwilling to be honest with yourself, your self-deception will continue to grow and your heart will grow harder toward Jesus. What will you do dear one?

You Must Walk Through The Fire

You Must Walk Through The Fire Pasto... Pastor Ray goes primarily today to the story of Daniel and his dear brothers (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego). God is calling us to stand for Him regardless of what may and likely will come against us at some point in our lives. We must make a pre-determined stand to be fully given into the hands of Jesus and suffer whatever may happen as the result of that decision. Have you fully given your life into the hands of Jesus?

The Great Hero

The Great Hero On today's broadcast Pastor Ray delves into the familiar story of David vs. Goliath, the hero of the Philistines. Goliath represents the flesh but counts as nothing compared to the Lord God of heaven. Jesus is the ultimate hero and King David in today's story is a type of Christ, as he was fully given into the hands of God and his heart was not focused upon self-absorption. Who is your hero or do are jealous as King Saul was before he wasn't "the man"? Are you willing to simply be a servant of Jesus and let Him fight your battles? Know that Jesus is the great hero and we're simply called to serve Him! "The Spirit gives life; the flesh profits nothing." John 6:67a

Revival Becomes Our Door of Hope

Revival Becomes Our Door of Hope Today's critically important message is... Today's critically important message is how revival becomes our door of hope. This will become clearer as you intently listen this familiar Old Testament story. We're in the same place as the children of Israel and our hearts must be uncovered. God bless you as you listen. We had challenges with our Youtube Live today and there's no video available unfortunately.

Words Have Meaning Before God

Words Have Meaning Before God On today's broadcast, Pastor Ray takes us back to 1 Samuel Chapter 15 to the story of King Saul, who was told "Now go and attack the Amalekites and devote to destruction all that belongs to them. Do not spare them , but put to death men and women, children and infants, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys." 1 Samuel Chapter 15:3 - Berean Study Bible Note the differences between this command from God through the prophet Samuel and what King Saul actually did. God demands integrity in the hidden parts and when we try to pull one over on Him, we're in big trouble. Are you willing to be completely honest with God or are you interested in building a monument in your honor as King Saul did? Are you willing to repent where you've twisted what God wanted from you because you wanted a return of some sort? And yet God would have forgiven Ki...

The Grief of God's Heart

The Grief of God's Heart Sister Kathryn's welcome highlighted th... Sister Kathryn's welcome highlighted the most practical way to follow Jesus by standing on His promises and then allowing these promises to begin to stand on us, which then enable us to enter into God's grief.   Pastor Ray used to story of the birth of Samuel to detail the process of how God uses grief in our lives, as a gateway for Him to share his grief with us. As God was grieved over the Eli church, He is greatly grieved over the modern American Eli Church and the call is for us to enter His grief.  As we do that, the call, just like Hannah, is to enter into a covenant with God to give Him the very thing we're crying out for, so that He can began in earnest to share his grief with us for the wickedness in America.

Will You Drink Deeply Of Jesus?

Will You Drink Deeply Of Jesus? On today's broadcast, Pastor Ray lays out the two necessary behaviors that enable one to drink deeply of Jesus. He contrasts drinking deeply of Jesus to the behavior of King Saul, who was full of self concern. He opted not to meet these elements and ultimately ended up eating at a witch's table. Have you been like King Saul, more concerned about things of this world then to simply trust and obey Jesus? Where is your heart today?

No Longer Self-Centered

No Longer Self-Centered We apologize for the delay in posting t... We apologize for the delay in posting this one, we had an issue with the recording and had to use a back-up recording, so the quality is a bit lower. The topic at hand is focuses on the end to the self life. Pastor Ray focuses on a chapter in that wonderful book "Rees Howells Intercessor" (Chapter 7) of how God worked that out in Rees' heart. Will you allow Jesus to remove all selfishness from your heart as you listen?

Bent Toward Heaven

Bent Toward Heaven We have one of two ways to go, either we'll be bent for heaven and lay our lives down for the Gospel or we'll be bent on some form of self-absorption and find ourselves in hell. There are only two ways to go. Listen closely to Pastor Ray's message from Jesus' parable in Matthew 21. Which way are you bent? Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6

The Holy Spirit's Prayer (2006)

The Holy Spirit's Prayer (2006) In this encore message, Pastors Ray and... In this encore message, Pastors Ray and Jan ask, "Was the cross enough for our salvation? Can you be saved from hell while still living in sin?" A look at the words of Jesus, Paul, and John answer, "Absolutely not!" The cross opened the way for total salvation now, but we must appropriate that gift by being crucified with Christ and born again as a new creature. Is this the gospel that you believe? Are you walking free from sin today?

How Shall I Pray?

How Shall I Pray? Today... Today's message is Part 2 on the topic of prayer and how that God hears our prayers and answers them. Pastor Ray walks through the scriptural and the experiential basis on how Jesus answers our prayers and he goes back to a story in Norman Grubb's book " Rees Howells, Intercessor " to address it more fully. Do you need Jesus to step in on your behalf for a specific need or desire that God has placed on your heart. If so, then please prayerfully listen to today's message.

The Time Line to Eternity-part 2

The Time Line to Eternity-part 2 This ... This is a must listen and continuation of the message from yesterday. To fully understand today's message you should listen to yesterday's message as well. It's not complex but probably much different than you were taught. Pastor Ray begins by going to Matthew 25 to discuss the parable of the ten virgins and ask the question of preparation for the coming of Jesus. Have you made adequate preparation as evidenced by the oil in your life from the Holy Spirit? Pastor Ray gives a brief summary from yesterday and goes in to discuss the fourth horseman and a lot of other things that will impact us all. Is your heart ready for the return of Jesus? Tomorrow Pastor Ray will continue in the book of Revelation, please join us!

For Jesus, Salvation is a Very Personal Thing - 2013

For Jesus, Salvation is a Very Personal Thing - 2013 Pastor Ray begins this sermon by laying... Pastor Ray begins this sermon by laying a foundation of what is personal versus non-personal or mechanical. Everything in this walk with Jesus requires action (i.e. is personal), even waiting on God requires action. Note the differences between this and passivity? Are you a spectator in the body of Christ? Do you just show up on Sunday? Passivity equates to a loss of saltiness. He goes on to address the sin of adultery/fornication from the Sermon on the Mount because it's simply using another to get what we want. He goes from there to Ephesians Chapter 5 and calls us to submit to one another out of love. Be blessed as you listen!

Resurrection Power

Resurrection Power The apostle Paul wrote, "And if Christ ... The apostle Paul wrote, "And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins" (1 Corinthians 15:17). In other words, the resurrection power of Jesus frees believers from every bondage, sickness, and sin. Salvation requires not only repentance, but actually believing this about Jesus. This is more than a historical belief that Jesus rose from the dead. Instead, it is an application of Christ's death and resurrection to myself. Because Jesus rose from the dead, I have present, complete victory over all sin. Because of Christ's resurrection, I am free to never sin again. Let Jesus' example of raising Lazarus from the dead encourage you to believe Jesus to break every sin, sickness, guilt, and bondage in your life--for good!

The Joy Of The King

The Joy Of The King Pastor Ray comes back in to this topic that Jesus is God. It's clearly laid out in the scriptures. Read through the scriptures at the bottom of the post and ask the Holy Spirit to make this message clear to your heart. Why is this so important? Because we cannot save ourselves, only God can save us from our sins, we can't earn salvation. Ask for understanding as you listen, Jesus wants to be everything to your heart.

Is Jesus God?

Is Jesus God? On today's broadcast, Pastor Ray asks the question that's in the title "is Jesus God"? He then goes on to explain why this is so important, it's much more than intellectual information. Finally, he begins to answer the question as laid out in the scriptures beginning today in the first two chapters of Colossians. Tomorrow, he will continue this study with an eye toward answering this critically important question with some additional scriptures from the Gospel according to John.

The Joy of Sabbath Rest

The Joy of Sabbath Rest Many ... Many Christians have fallen into a snare of legalism due to misunderstandings about the Sabbath. On today’s broadcast, Pastor Ray provides a detailed Biblical explanation of entering into the Sabbath rest of Jesus--not just one day a week, but every day. Note that the Sabbath day rest was instituted before the fall of man. Its goal is not law-keeping, but rather intimacy with God. Listen to the message to fully understand that the Sabbath rest observance was broken by sin, and that Jesus, through his blood, has made a way to restore us to this Sabbath day rest.

Broken At The Wall Of Gods Love

Broken At The Wall Of Gods Love Have you been broken at the wall of God's love? This is Pastor Ray's testimony, as well as a call to those who are Christians, are you willing to pay the price? He uses a powerful chapter from the book Rees Howell, Intercessor to make this message sharper and clearer. Are you willing to move out of your life and allow the Holy Spirit to move in?

School Of The Holy Spirit

School Of The Holy Spirit How d... How does one enter into the school of the Holy Spirit? Pastor Ray walks us through this today in the opening message of this series. Have you entered into the school of the Holy Spirit as evidenced by Jesus answering your prayers? Listen to the broadcast to find out about entering the School of the Holy Spirit.

Entering Heavens Gate

Entering Heavens Gate Do you know what it means to enter heaven's gate? Find out today how you can enter into heaven's gate. Pastor Ray begins the broadcast by laying out an example for us to ponder over from his childhood. He then goes to the scriptures and lays this out from Hebrews Chapters 3&4. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get to Jesus? If your answer is yes, this message is for you. If your heart isn't quite there, this is also laid out for you from the scriptures.

The Testimony of Mr. Fearing (July 10, 2012)

The Testimony of Mr. Fearing (July 10, 2012) Has y... Has your spiritual progress been stalled by fear and doubt, even though you love Jesus? If so, the character Mr. Fearing of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress offers great encouragement. If you walk clean under the blood, you do not need to worry about your final acceptance with God. Beloved! The heart of Jesus overflows with passionate love to receive you. Will you just come as a child and trust him?

Seeds of Destruction

Seeds of Destruction The b... The battle is on for the soul of America. Morality is crashing in America as the pulpits no longer burn with righteousness and no longer directly confront sin. The seeds of destruction have created an "inclusive" gospel that no longer rebukes sin or legalistic righteousness that's full of rigidity, with no underlying power. It's time that these seeds of destruction be removed from the church through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, so that a pure gospel can be proclaimed throughout the land! The heart of Jesus is that you and I be utterly transformed through a work of His amazing grace!

Do Not Bend To The Wind!

Do Not Bend To The Wind! Pasto... Pastor Ray talks about whether we can bend to the wind of the world and still be a serious follower of Jesus using some stories and a chapter in the book Pilgrim's Progress . Many in today's church have seen it as a vehicle to get ahead in the world. Do you see the great sin in using Jesus to get ahead in some way? Because the radio station was having problems with their transmitter, the live prayer meeting was cancelled today. Please pray that Jesus will meet our needs for this month. God bless you all dear sisters and brothers!

The three Dangers of Cave Life

The three Dangers of Cave Life It's important to note who the intended... It's important to note who the intended audience to this message is, it's for those who are leaving their sin and beginning to follow after Jesus. The dangers are ways for satan and his minions to stop God's people from entering into what they're being called to. If you are following after Jesus, then this message is for you. These three temptations will come at you in various and sundry ways, but satan's intent is to block you for what God has called you to, even to kill you if he can. Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate this message to your heart. Hear the kindness and mercy of God in a straight honest message. Note the change point in King David's life. Are you there yet? And David was greatly distressed because the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of every man grieved for his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God. 1 Samuel 30:6 ...

What are You Giving For Your Soul

What are You Giving For Your Soul Pasto... Pastor Ray's focus today was primarily on Mark 8 and the necessity of denying ourselves and taking up our cross (being crucified with Christ) and following Him. He uses some very powerful illustrations from the testimony of some of our listeners. Do you love something or someone more than you love Jesus?

I Am The Lord, Who Heals You

I Am The Lord, Who Heals You Pastor Ray, does a brief review from yesterday and comes back to the stories of the children of Israel's deliverance today and shares some stories. It's a message I'd encourage you to listen more than once and I've included the key scripture below. The issues the children of Israel are very similar to what we will face. How will you deal with Jesus in the crises of your life, will it reflect your total submission to Him or will it reflect the bitterness of your heart? Join us next week as Pastor Ray continues the study in the book of Hebrews (and Exodus). “If you will listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God, and do what is right in His eyes, and pay attention to His commands, and keep all His statutes, then I will not bring on you any of the diseases I inflicted on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.” Exodus 15:26 Be...

Prayer and Fasting

Prayer and Fasting Today... Today's broadcast was a live call in prayer meeting. Thank you for those who called in at the prompting of the Holy Spirit. We invite you to fast and pray for America, which desperately needs a touch of God. God bless you!

Your Red Sea Will Open

Your Red Sea Will Open Pastor Ray walks us through Exodus Chapter 14 and the first half or so of Exodus Chapter 15 with the familiar story of the Israelites' deliverance from Egypt. He draws many parallels through that story and the story of America and in particular the American church, those who have sold out to follow Jesus. Listen to the message with an open and honest heart and you will see the similarities. God normally gives us an easy way (i.e. go the desert now) or the hard way, which most will probably choose. We pray that you get serious with Jesus while there is still time to go the easy way.


Broken Pasto... Pastor Ray continues with his testimony and uses a story by G.C. Bevington to further provide a basis for what God is after in Pastor Ray and you and me. You realize that by reading this, this message applies to you (and me) as well. Will you ask God to humble your heart if He determines that you need it? God only uses humble men and women for the work in His kingdom. We must be crushed to remove all self-confidence and all remains of secular humanism in our souls. Please listen and be encouraged to trust Jesus to prepare you for His service!

An Alarmed Conscience (2014)

An Alarmed Conscience (2014) Pastor Ray interweaves parts of Matthew... Pastor Ray interweaves parts of Matthew Chapter 6 with a detailed explanation of Psalm 32. The key is whether or not we will be honest before God about our sin. We will either get bitter or better, depending on whether we will acknowledge our sin before God. Have you held anything from God (through deceit or some other way) or have been totally transparent? Are you in the midst of the stream of God or have you shot out on your own to avoid the conviction??